What luck, what karma, what grace

Letters / Opinions

Sunshine on launching her third career – as told to Bhagawati.

In Rajneeshpuram, when I was sent to Mirdad to be initiated as a Twinkie, it was Ma Prem Sunshine who took me under her wing, invited me to get into the van and listen while she showed visitors the lay of the land. After that tour, my head spun with the amount of information she showered upon those tourists. I thought I would never be able to remember all those details, talk so well, and drive at the same time without any glitches!

Well, I learned and eventually was let loose to conduct tours on my own. Since then, Sunshine and I stayed in touch on and off over the years. She even visited on Bali many moons ago. Now she tells me that she is simultaneously launching yet a third career as Editor in Chief of a new women’s magazine coming out in Hawaii.

We asked her to let us know more. She sent this message from Honolulu:

I guess it’s fair to say, ‘once a Twinkie, always a Twinkie!’ I was so relieved to be free of the responsibility of explaining things to the press and public after my time at the Ranch, that it surprises me that I have spent the last 25 years sharing what I’ve learned from Osho. I didn’t consciously set out to do that. It just seems to flow out of me.

After writing a master’s thesis on Osho’s Psychology of the Buddhas and then a Ph.D. dissertation on enlightenment, I simply couldn’t ignore the calling to play bigger in the world. I began teaching meditation and self-hypnosis to individuals and organizations to counterbalance the negative effects of technostress; like time distortion and identification with the thinking mind.


I continue to do that as a counselor, a speaker, a teacher, an author, a president and founder of a nonprofit educational organization, and now as an Editor in Chief of a women’s magazine that provides tips and tools about how to live a less stressful, more creative lifestyle. While it sounds like like I’m doing a lot, I’m actually just enjoying… I live and work out of my home and rarely allow myself to feel rushed or pressured by anything.

My career is simply an outpouring of my passion and I suppose the root of the passion is the gratitude I hold in my heart for having had the rare opportunity to not only have personally gotten to know Osho but to have had the good fortune to become a sannyasin so I could be kick-started into such a richly conscious life. What luck, what karma, what grace!

It simply would not have felt in integrity to have kept such gifts to myself. My own emancipation from self-imposed suffering was the single most important evolution of my life so I have felt, and continue to feel compelled to turn people on to the freedoms that arise as a result of living with awareness.

But don’t get me wrong. I also take immense pleasure in taking long walks on exquisitely gorgeous beaches, swimming in the warm Hawaii water, dancing with abandon, spending hours laughing with friends, and being in awe of the wonders of simply being alive on the planet at this most crucial time. But then again, what sannyasin doesn’t? Lucky us!

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