Easy is Right


Anubuddha follows the call from nowhere – and the workshop happens with effortless effort…

Have you ever been just relaxing, doing nothing – feeling very centred, and ‘in the moment’ when all of a sudden, like a bolt of lightning, a vivid feeling and thought jumps around inside of you, urging you to do something? Well, it happened to me about a month ago, and it was strong.

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In general, Anasha and I like to devote our Sunday mornings to inner cleansing, yoga, and turning-in. So that’s what I was doing, when out of nowhere came this instruction, almost like a command: “Set up an Arun Conscious Touch weekend for all the friends here in Vilcabamba – do it on the weekend of the solstice.” The first thought my mind churned up was that most people around here would not want to focus so intensely and totally as we do in our Arun Seminars: morning to evening.

For the last year, we were happy and content, just being here in our lush gardens. But the spirit was insisting that the time was ripe; and then the mind said that ‘it would be difficult to get the word out’, ‘it costs money to find a suitable venue’, ‘we would have to transport all the massage tables and yoga mats’, etc, etc. But with each reason ‘not to do it’ came a very clear response from the heart to ‘just do it’ and ‘now is the right time’.

Anasha and I are totally into not forcing anything – it’s like ‘electro-magnetic energy’ flow: if there is not an energetic pull towards us and signs that more people than us want something to happen, we probably won’t do much. One of my favourite maxims is from the amazing Chuang Tzu: ‘Easy is right’. And I knew clearly that it would take a lot of energy to share an Arun Conscious Touch weekend here in Vilcabamba, but I also intuitively knew who to connect with to see if it could happen effortlessly… I said to myself and spirit – if these 5-7 friends were into it, I would go for it. So, first I called our dear friends Tzai and Vinaya to help with putting the word out, because I am not so much into talking about what we do, or promoting, and they have a heart-full knack for it, and really appreciate our work. Tzai was a major Yes.

My next move was to contact another beloved friend, Amalaa, and asked her if she would be the connecting point for the people to sign in and book. Amalaa was another big Yes, so it was starting to look like a go. We needed a suitable space to do it, and I thought of Madre Tierra, because we had a 2-week advanced Arun Training there last August. But then I happened to run into ‘Awesome Erin’, who lives and works with Mystical Meredith at Monte Suenos, one of the most magical places on the planet. Erin said, “Why don’t you do it at Monte Suenos? And I shall gladly cater the lunches and snacks – vegetarian vegan delights!” I have been at many parties there, and it felt perfect, but I couldn’t imagine the Arun Training with 10-12 massage tables on those premises… especially with Meredith’s incredible art studio in the big room.

Well, here is where I knew spirit was involved on multiple levels and it was meant to be. Meredith had been ‘thinking about’ shifting her art space upstairs where Brian’s work space was, yet it seemed like a lot of action. I knew that the only way we could do it there was if we cleared out the downstairs, but there was no way I would ask Meredith to move for us. But she jumped at the chance and said, “Now is the time, and anyway, we want to use Monte Suenos more for healing, art, and music events… thanks Buddha, for the spark.”

The ground swell was building… Next, I phoned ‘La Familia de Luz’ – also known as Antonio, Marli, and Marina. They are some of the first folks we met here when we visited 2 1/2 years ago, and we fell immediately in love and in-sync with them; both of them being here actually helped us also decide to come. I asked Antonio if he could help with transporting the tables and mats and skeletons, and other items from our house to Monte Suenos and he too was a big Yes.

Next, we called the juicy ‘Chocolate Carl’ to lend his muscles, and he was also Yeah! Since last year, he was anxious for us to share so he could also learn about Conscious Touch. So we had our own version of the ‘Magnificent 7’, and we were ready to roll – effortless effort is the way! And they all thought it was a potent way to spend the solstice/full moon days.

I still was not sure if people would want to jump in, and there was only a couple of weeks to go, so existence had me bump straight away into Nicolaus, the beautiful owner of Rendezvous (that’s where Anasha and I stayed for our first 2 weeks in Vilcabamba – and we have a great connection). Well, he was so happy and grateful that we organized the workshop, he immediately gave us money to reserve his space and one for his mystical beloved friend Jerri.

Then, it seemed to snowball… and by the Wednesday before the Retreat we were 25 friends ready to explore the ‘Miraculous Human Energy Field and Conscious Touch’. And they all were beautiful, loving people, from all backgrounds.

The workshop was a gift on multiple levels, and Anasha and I are so glad that we responded to the ‘call from nowhere’ to share this gift with the friends here.

It feels like another ‘mysterious turning point’.

Read Anubuddha’s other ‘turning point’ in Conscious Touch is Always Here-Now, where he presents his method.

Anubuddha, Osho News – www.arunconscioustouch.com

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