Narayani shares one of her songs from her latest CD ‘Let Your Heart Sing’.
I remember this song from Pune 1 and singing it during Sufi Dance with Aneeta.
There is also a dance with it, expressing the words of the song, that life is a dance of giving and receiving.
I don’t know who created this song, but it has stayed with me over 30 years now. It is a joy to pass it on to other seekers who love to sing and are willing to learn and understand that we are all connected.
From you I receive
To you I give
Together we share
In this we live.
C / F
G / C
Am / Dm
C / C
You can purchase and download this track from Narayani’s latest album ‘Let Your Heart Sing’ via or order the CD via her website:
Also lyrics and chords for all the songs can be downloaded from
Read Milarepa’s review of the CD: Let Your Heart Sing
and read Narayani’s story of her life with music in Sing, Narayani, Sing!
Narayani grew up in Belgium and started singing at a young age. She took sannyas and came to Pune in 1977. She lived for 5 years at the Humaniversity in the Netherlands and from 1987 onwards lived in Pune on and off for months at a time – commuting between Holland and later Munich and Pune until 2002. She played live for Osho and also ran the music for Evening Meditation, Sannyas Celebrations and Music Groups. In ’93-’94 she toured Europe and Japan with Milarepa. She also published two CDs: ‘Let Your Heart Sing’ and ‘The Power from Within’ – and has collaborated on many others.
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