The sudden appearance of a ‘will’ by Osho executed on 15 October 1989 (3 months prior to his leaving the body), has been widely published in the media several months ago.
A few friends have been investigating the claim made by Niren in the EU Trademark case, where he presented this ‘will’ allegedly signed by Osho and witnessed by Jayesh, Amrito and Niren.
The investigation showed that the “Osho signature” was actually copied from a letter hand-written by Osho in 1976 that has been previously published on at least three websites in different contexts.
Three independent experts – one from Bologna, Italy, and two from India, Aurangabad and New Delhi – have all concluded that the signature on the ‘will’ is the same signature as the one on the letter, and that it is impossible for two signatures to be the same. As a result, the experts say with 100% certainty that the alleged ‘will’ is a forgery.
Criminal charges have been filed in India on 18 November 2013 by Yogesh Thakkar aka Prem Geet on behalf of Osho Friends Foundation, Pune. All members of Osho International Foundation Zurich – Michael Byrne (aka Michael O’Byrne, aka Jayesh), John Andrews (aka Amrito), D’Arcy O’Byrne (aka Yogendra, aka Raj), Klaus Steeg (aka Pramod) and Mukesh Kantilal Sarda (aka Mukesh Bharti) – along with Philip Toelkes (aka Niren) [not in OIF] are accused in producing a forged ‘will’ by Osho.
The Office of Harmonization in the EU has been informed of the evidence of forgery.
Files online:
Forged will of OIF
Graphological report from Italy
FIR complaint file with Pune Police
Graphological report from India
For more detailed information:
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