Nivedano… (Drumbeat) (Gibberish) Nivedano… (Drumbeat) Be silent, close your eyes. Feel your body to be frozen. Gather your consciousness inwards, deeper and deeper…. This silence, this peace, this blissfulness discovers the buddha within you. For these few moments you are a buddha and it is up to you, if you can remember – then you
Be silent, close your eyes.
Feel your body to be frozen.
Gather your consciousness inwards,
deeper and deeper….
This silence, this peace, this blissfulness
discovers the buddha within you.
For these few moments you are a buddha
and it is up to you, if you can remember –
then you can be a buddha twenty-four hours.
`Buddha’ simply means silent awareness.
And the silent awareness is not something dead,
it is full of joy,
it is full of juice,
it is full of dance.
It has a music of its own.
To make it more clear, Nivedano…
Relax into the universe.
Drop yourself, with all your problems.
Just don’t be!
This is transcending even the buddha.
This is entering into the cosmos itself,
losing all your personality, individuality.
The dewdrop slipping from the lotus leaf
into the ocean…
This is the most blissful
and ecstatic moment of your life.
Continue to remember it.
It is your own nature.
It is not something uncommon,
it is not something extraordinary,
it is just pure nature, simply very ordinary,
without any claim to anything.
This brings so much light and so much delight
that it starts overflowing in you.
Come back, but don’t come back
leaving your experience behind —
bring it with you.
Slowly, gracefully resurrect.
Sit for a few seconds as buddhas,
remembering where you have been…
the experience…
so that it becomes an undercurrent in your life
twenty-four hours a day.
It can change all your gestures, activities –
not only yours, it can change people around you.
It is infectious.
Share it, don’t be a miser!
Okay, Maneesha?
Yes, Beloved Master.
Can we celebrate the ten thousand buddhas?
Yes, Beloved Master.
Osho, Turning In, Ch 4 (excerpt)
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