Paritosho reviews Paripurn’s latest book.
My friend Paripurn presented a copy of this book in Dutch to a few of his Australian friends. So apart from the photos and picking out names in the text, it was somewhat frustrating to know that there would be treasures in this book and then not be able to access them!
Fortunately, he has now translated the book into English, with the addition of more than a hundred excellent colour photos deftly placed throughout the book which complement and enhance the stories and text. I have read the book twice now – both times I couldn’t put it down and no doubt I will read it again.
This is the story of a man who has a deep and intimate connection with his spiritual Master. It is a connection that is almost impossible to describe but I feel through the writing of this book one gets a sense of what that means in practise and in ordinary life. The author talks about a profound love for the great Buddha of this age and of the future – Osho. His dedication to meditation and loving awareness is part of his commitment to Osho. Out of this practise of meditation arises the need to express and share love for all life and a deep concern for this planet and its future.
In some respect, the book reads like a Sufi story, the diamonds are hidden in a tale of a creative, talented man and his adventures with his partner Manjula in NZ, Australia and Nepal. Gardening and health matters are interwoven with observations and humorous anecdotes about people, situations and the landscape.
Osho attracted people from all walks of life including the intelligentsia and creative arts. Paripurn in his other life was an actor, classical singer and then lately a composer of classical music. Here is a man of great sensitivity to art, music and beauty of nature. There is also immense perception about the vagaries of people and humanity at large and this no doubt stems in part from the trauma and impact of spending four of his formative years as a young child in a Japanese prisoner of war camp in Dutch Indonesia.
When Paripurn mentions his beloved partner Manjula, also an Osho sannyasin, there is the sense of a river of love which runs silently and gently throughout the book. I found this to be one of the aspects of the book that is quietly transcendent and touching.
Paripurn writes with honesty and is not afraid to express an opinion about people or situations. He cares deeply about his friends and about the Osho facilities and communities that he has lived in or visited and has the wisdom and clarity and experience to say what he says and how he sees it.
As I am familiar with New Zealand, Byron Bay and the Nepalese ashrams, I enjoyed reading about my friends and acquaintances. I also work closely with Shahido to whom Paripurn dedicates the book, which I might add is an act of great perception and gratitude. Regrettably, her work for Osho over the years has not yet been fully appreciated or acknowledged.
There is much description of the simple things in life, gardening, funny moments, coffee with a friend, walks on the beach, friendships, nature, all inter-dispersed with Paripurn’s vast love and knowledge of literature and classical music. This mixing of all dimensions of life, the sublime and the mundane, I enjoyed immensely. His praise and love of the poetry of Judith Wright shows him to be a very well read and educated man.
The book is a little chaotic in its presentation because it is an amalgamation of two books. The translation is as Paripurn apologises a little “clumsy” in places; however, I thought it all added to the charm and spontaneous uniqueness of the book.
The most powerful thing in this book for me, is the underlying thread of a story of a man destined to be a disciple, now devotee of Osho and live his life totally in accordance with Osho’s suggestions. I was very moved by his stories of his encounters with Osho and his clarity and dedication to Osho’s vision. This is not a man who is paying lip service to life as a meditator, this is a man who has committed his life to meditation and love. Osho had a vision for a new man and new humanity. The new man and woman will live a life full of creativity, freedom with responsibility, live life here and now, grow in love and gratitude and share wherever and whatever you can.
I thank Paripurn for his courage and humility to share so openly and beautifully.
Paritosho for Osho News
Available at bravenewbooks
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