Aumm – a Buddhafield for healing

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Dhyan Angelica writes about the Aumm Institute in the Netherlands; how she was attracted to visit and her experience in that Buddhafield.

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When I first came across a newsletter from the Aumm Institute – about ten years ago – I was in the middle of my Master studies in the UK. Much of my life until then I had spent in the academic world, or as years later I would learn to recognize: much in my head, and not much in my body. However, despite my ‘disconnection’ at that point, there was a powerful thread of energy leading me to a change of path. Looking back it is comforting to realize that the inner wisdom is always there.

When the newsletter from Aumm came my way, one of the advertised workshops caught my attention. I instantly knew I had to do it, I didn’t quite understand why. The time was ripe, so I decided to take a trip to Holland and experience myself what it was that was pulling me with such strength. Little did I know at that point that my life would take a radical turn. The workshop, the aware group environment, and Osho’s meditations all had such an impact on me, that when I returned to London it was impossible to continue living the way I had before. I had no idea where I was going, but I was utterly sure that I needed more of ‘that’.

The Aumm Institute proved to be a safe, loving environment to give room to the process that had already begun within me. I decided to move to Holland and start the 4-year Primal Rebirth Therapy Training (PRT). In the meantime, I also discovered Holland, an absolute wonder of a country full of beautiful, open people, extensive grounding flatlands and a lot more peace and quiet than I’d ever experienced before.

Entering the Aumm world was a true gift. The PRT training offered me the opportunity to become aware of all kinds of limiting conditionings and negative convictions that I carried from childhood, and slowly but surely to make a deep emotional and energetic clean sweep. More and more, I could move, realize and live from the adult ‘in the here and now’, and also closer to my essence. More and more, taking my inner child by the hand when necessary, and allowing the wounds of the past to heal.

At the heart of the Aumm Institute have always been its founders Omkar Dingjan and Divyam Kranenburg, the two sannyasins that have birthed and nourished this wonderful Buddhafield for nearly 30 years. These two are an embodiment of the healing father and mother to many hundreds of “Aummers” that have dared to take the plunge. Even though workshops and trainings take place at different stunning country locations in the Netherlands, the “Aumm headquarters” are located in Usquert, a small village at the northernmost region in the country. Surrounded by extensive, desolate flatlands and bathed by the winds of the North Sea, it is an ideal place for meditation and introspection. The gardens, lake and fountains surrounding the centre are exquisite, a brilliant place for a breather or a walk whilst during the group.

Nowadays Omkar and Divyam focus on the specialized workshops and trainings, as well as a good deal of the supervision within Aumm. The PRT training is now led by Vasna van Haalen, an incredibly sharp and sensitive therapist and her husband Jan Yoko Bosma, bringing in his experience and love for family constellations and systemic work, meditation and his organization skills and practical knowledge to the equation. The institute is further enriched by the teachings of a wide range of recognized sannyasin guest therapists such as Ramateertha, Anando, Vasumati, Samarona, and Vibodha and others.

In my experience, the workshops and trainings at the Aumm Institute are lovingly and professionally thought out, and have a good balance between experiential processes, theory, meditation and integration. When you decide to give it a go, you’ll experience for yourself that you didn’t only enter a workshop or training, but also a powerful Buddhafield that will anchor, intensify and support your own process.

Aumm is without a doubt a therapeutic institute to commend and recommend, but also a very large circle of friends, of seekers, alone and together in the inner quest. (the website is in Dutch, however, if you are interested in a programme you will find a PDF file in English linked from a UK flag)

Dhyan AngelicaDhyan Angelica is a woman, a daughter, a mother, a wife, a friend, a seeker, a bodyworker, a therapist. She took sannyas in 2012, and has her own body psychotherapy practice in Castricum, a small town by the sea in Holland. There she offers Individual and Couple Therapy, Family Constellations, Hara Work, Subtle Body Healing, Active Meditations and Kundalini Yoga. She is passionate about working with people, connecting through the heart and facilitating healing where existence allows.

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