
Music Reviews

Presentation of a new album by Chaitanya Hari (Deuter).

Mirage by Deuter coverThe soundscape of Mirage invites you to a space where you can look at everything you know to be true.

You are taken to a place deep within yourself that is in this world, but not of it.

As you listen to the music you are lured, as if following a mirage, towards your inner silence.

Deuter’s Mirage is a true masterpiece.


1. Mirage – 8:38
2. Morin Huur – 6:19
3. La Foret – 10:18
4. Manganu – 8:18
5. Okeanos 1 – 8:20
6. Okeanos 2 – 4:39
7. Friendly Valley – 8:31
8. Ein unbeschreibliches Glücksgefühl – 8:57

Listen to samples and find links to purchase on www.newearthrecords.com – cover graphics by Deva Padma

Deuter - Chaitanya HariMeditation music and Chaitanya Hari (aka Georg Deuter) are synonymous; he has since long been recognised as the founder of New Age music and has become a legend among meditation and music lovers alike. Born in Munich, Germany, he nowadays lives in New Mexico in a sanctuary tucked away among a forest where he creates music with instruments from all over the world. Loving nature, he recently became a beekeeper; he describes himself as a hermit/monk/wolf living in the wild. www.newearthrecords.com

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