Bliss Balls: Apricot Coconut Lime Goji


Another recipe from Maria-Carin Gala’s Organic Kitchen: a mouthwatering desert.

apricot coconut bliss balls

When I was 19 I moved to Sydney which became my home, so naturally I wanted to share some of my tasty wholesome creations with my family, but they were on the other side of the planet.

So, very occasionally I made sweets to send to them, such as these healthy, lovely bliss balls that I sent to my mum in Germany for her birthday.

The super handy thing about these balls is that you don’t need a food processor to make them!

They’re not only nutritious but they blend a mix of goodies which won’t spoil, melt or squash too easily. If you grind the desiccated coconut before rolling the balls, they will taste creamier and make them look like it snowed in summer.

Promise you will make sure to take the time to soak the apricots in lime, or lemon juice! This will give them that satisfying effect, don’t skip this step.

These bliss balls contain all 8 essential amino acids and a sweet lime zing to make you smile.

Makes roughly 20 bliss balls

Dry ingredients

1 cup almond meal, or ground almonds
2 cups desiccated coconut, I like it ground up fine
1 tbsp chia seeds
1 pinch salt
2 tbsp goji berries
1 tbsp maca powder, for an optional sexy superfood effect

Wet ingredients

3 tbsp/55 g extra virgin coconut oil
3 tbsp/110 g rice syrup for a mild sweetness, or use maple syrup for a sweeter and very tasty option

More ingredients

About 3/4 cup or 100 g dried organic apricots, sliced and diced
1/4-1/2 cup juice of 3 limes
Rind of 3 limes
Coating: 1/2-1 cup extra desiccated coconut, if you like ground finely


Soak the apricots in the lime or lemon juice and rind for anywhere up to 8 hours. The longer you soak the more zing these balls will have. Don’t skip this step. It doesn’t matter whether you leave them on the kitchen bench or in the fridge, adjust to your environment’s temperature and common sense.

Combine the dry ingredients in a bowl.

Add the wet mix and apricots to the dry ingredients and mix well.

Using wet hands (hands dipped in a bowl of water will help the mixture not to stick to your hands) roll the mixture into balls, then coat with the extra coconut snow. As mentioned above, to make the coconut coating extra spesh, whizz it in a blender. Refrigerate to harden which makes them way more delicious.

Enjoy this rich and pretty treat.


Instead of limes use lemons, no worries, totally divine too.

Instead of goji berries use cranberries.

One day you have to try substituting dried mango for the apricots and adding 1 tsp turmeric, or 1 tbsp fresh turmeric juice, that’s nice too.

If you’ll ever have the honour of getting grated fresh coconut in your foodie hands then add it instead of the desiccated coconut and a heavenly door will open for you…

Nutritional Benefits

Coconut oil is a healthy saturated fat which is metabolised into energy in the liver and NOT into fat! Coconut oil helps with detoxing and is antibacterial. Far out!

Chia seeds are high in dietary fibre, which is good for healthy bowel movement and blood sugar level. They contain the highest plant-based source of omega-3 fatty acids and contain all 8 essential amino acids!

Almonds are the most alkaline of all nuts. They need to be soaked in water overnight to neutralise enzyme inhibitors present in their shell and reduce the phytic acid which inhibits the absorption of minerals. Discard the soaking water. This makes them ’activated’, more digestible and easier for the body to absorb the vitamins and minerals. You can add salt to the soaking water if you want your nuts to be salty. To retain the vitamin and unsaturated fatty acids don’t roast the hell out of them, roast them on a low heat over a longer period of time. Unsaturated fatty acids have been shown to lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Activating nuts also reduces bitterness and enhances the natural sweetness. Almonds are rich in dietary fibre, vitamin E and, as mentioned above, a great source of minerals. They are a fantastic source of vegan protein.

Apricots are high in vitamin A, E and C, many minerals and fibre. Another great addition to any healthy dessert, snack or breakfast.

Maca powder is a root vegetable from Peru that provides an energy boost like coffee but without the caffeine! Maca is nutritionally dense with vitamins, minerals and enzymes and all 8 essential amino acids. Energises, increases stamina and endurance. A possible fertility enhancement, supports sexual potency and mental clarity, female hormone balance and fatigue. Maca is an invigorating endocrine system support. Try adding it in small amounts, for example: 1 tablespoon to smoothies, mueslis, cakes, bliss balls, tea or coffee.

Goji berries are native to the Himalayan region of China and Tibet and are not only a source of complete protein with 18 amino acids but have 500 times more vitamin C than oranges and a higher iron content than spinach. In Asia they are said to enhance vitality, longevity, energy and physical performance.

Lemons and limes contain vitamin C, folic acids, calcium, potassium. Bioflavonoids are found in concentrated amounts in the white flesh under the skin and are said to help capillaries from free radical damage. They enhance phase II liver detoxification and above all assist with keeping a healthy acid/alkaline balance. They help absorb vitamins and minerals especially from green vegetables. They are high in salicilytes and amines, which can cause reactions to eczema sufferers. They may also aggravate sensitive teeth, because they are acidic pre-digestion. Try drinking half a lemon squeezed with warm water in the morning, before breakfast, to stimulate your liver to detox.
Cut lemons and limes lengthwise to yield more juice.

Carin GalaRecipe by Maria Carin Gala – – feedback on your cooking and baking experiences are welcome at: – more recipes by Maria-Carin on Osho News

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