The maulvi and Omar Khayyam

1001 Tales told by the Master

“If there is justice, compassion is impossible. Both cannot exist together,” asserts Osho.


The village-maulvi told Omar Khayyam, ”Omar, you have, reached old age. Now give up drinking. At least, now think of the Day of Judgment, when you shall be standing before God!”

Omar Khayyam was intoxicated. He slowly opened his eyes and, with the cup in his hand, he addressed the maulvi. “I fully believe in God’s compassion. God is merciful. Please do not shake my faith in His kindness now that I am near death, my faith is unshakable! This small cup, with a little wine, this insignificant Omar Khayyam – if He cannot forgive such an insignificant being, what will happen to great sinners? No, no, God is all merciful.”

If there is compassion, justice is impossible. If there is justice, compassion is impossible. Both cannot exist together. But the majority of religions hold God to be both just and kind.

Osho, The Way of Tao – Discourses on Lao Tse’s Tao-Te-King, Vol 2, Ch 19

Image: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Version by William Morris and Edward Berne-Jones (1872)

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