Veena writes about a hugely enjoyable recent get-together in Welzin, Northern Germany.
Into your hands I lay my spirit
Into your hands I lay my life
As Deven started the song at the end of the satsang, there was a perceptible surge of joyful energy swirling around the room as hearts opened, smiles lit up glowing faces and tears rolled down cheeks. And the silence as the music faded away was profound.
The occasion was a ‘gathering of friends’ arranged by Dhiren and Nritya at their beautiful house in Mecklenburg, North Germany, to celebrate a number of things, one of which was the completion of Dhiren and Nritya’s house, now a stunning dwelling, once a broken-down, ruined old farmhouse. Both said to me that their plan was not just to build a beautiful home but to create a place where friends could come. Thank you! We came! And we love the house and you both!
We had an amazing 3 day-long weekend of celebration. Some people hadn’t seen each other for 20 or 30 years – yet that deep connection was as strong as ever. Friends came not just from close by – they came from Southern Germany, Denmark, Holland, England and even Brazil and Alaska. So of course, the main view was arms around each other, heads close together, and faces laughing and laughing as ‘catch-ups’ took place in the beautiful house and stunning garden under ancient trees. What a setting for so much love and joy.
And the food! Nritya undertook an amazing feat of organisation as she managed to provide food for at times up to 100 people, 3 meals a day for 3 days! But in addition to thanking her with oooohs and aaaaghs, we should also thank the sannyasin friends living in the local area for helping with the deliciously varied and healthy feast. Especially Deva Priya who made the first evening meal – Indian, of course – with a barfi and strawberry desert! Then the grand finale was the sushi lunch on Sunday. Amazing to make enough sushi rolls for so many people.
Of course there was music and dancing each night, highlighted by singing round a huge bonfire with Deven; a sweet puppet show from Salila on a little stage with marionettes she made herself and which she brought all the way from Alaska; and of course a comic performance by Dhiren, ably supported by Salila and Nritya, of an interview with a very flirtatious gorilla bent on wooing the interviewer (Nritya) when his so-called trainer and professor, Salila, wanted to exhibit his elementary ABC skills for her intellectual research purposes.
Also, Deva Priya led friends in a traditional Gujarati village stick dance and Harimurti, DJ, concluded the evening with a brilliant disco. All outdoors in perfect weather, just after the Summer Solstice – in itself an auspicious time to come together to celebrate.
And then there were the two satsangs – the first led by Arpita and Jamie; the second by Arpita and Deven. Thank you all three of you for so beautifully leading us into the space of deep meditation, reminding us with so much heart of that special Osho connection which we all have, and felt. In the crazy times that we now live it is a gift to come together in this way to again savour deeply our love for Osho and what it means to all of us. Of course he joined us. His presence was tangible. May we never forget him and his eternal, infinite priceless gifts to us all.
Dhiren and Nritya, we all give you a HUGE thank you for providing such an incredible gathering for so many hearts to re-connect.
Everything you did was done with such love, such grace, such care, such creativity and such abundance. Truly, purely Osho!
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