Iam Saums experiences, “We are who we chose to be… we are a vessel of universal energy.”
Being is truly living.
The First Step
Twenty-three years ago, I was living a lie. Fresh out of adolescence, I dove into a social scene that offered only escape from the experience of life. No matter how much I strove to succeed, I was faced with a stark reality. Society does not promote or support creativity or its expression. Fond memories remain of the adventurous and daring endeavours of my youth, pushing the established boundaries and leaving what I hoped would be my watermark. Then one day I woke up hungover as I usually did at the time. I realized I was done living an illusion. It was time to shift my experience.
Blind Epiphany
I don’t recall what it was that brought me to this insight. Something stirred deep down inside me, beyond my understanding. It was like catching a wave and riding it in faith one day I would end up in a better space. I felt a powerful flow drawing me into the embrace of a destiny I could have never imagined. All the people in my life gradually went their own ways into the promise of maturity, security and society. Without my daily distractions, delusions and vices, I was left with who I had become, an arrogant, self-righteous, human vortex imposing myself and my ego upon the world.
Through my personal revelations, I let go of who I was to envision and create who I could be. During this purification, I experienced all possibilities. An explosion of consciousness evolved out of my willingness to transform. Everything I released from my life inspired a quickening of my creative focus, intent and purpose. My transition from illusion to reality was swift and smooth. Suddenly I was exercising, meditating, writing and experiencing personal awakenings. My vision cleared and a new lifestyle emerged. One that led me on a path of creativity, consciousness, empowerment and insight.
As Within… So Without
My life and how I perceived it to be transitioned simultaneously. When I chose to be progressive, my experience expanded. When I regressed, it contracted based on my lack of focus, intent and purpose. I began to express and manifest my reality. My mind and body were a microcosm to the macrocosm of my heart and soul. The synergy between the four dimensions of my being, my intuition, feelings, thoughts and actions, revealed the existence of experiences I had always yearned to encounter, yet failed to discover and embrace.
The Solitary Way
We see ourselves through many different perspectives, none more enlightening than another’s point of view. Often in life, we are faced with opportunities to disengage from society and walk our own path. This is vital when choosing to become who we are meant to be. However grand it may seem to socially belong, eventually we all must venture beyond the established realities of others to create and experience our own. It is a lonely journey navigating a personal maze of mirrors. Though both challenging and rewarding, it is our pathway to personal fulfillment. The darkest nights of our soul ultimately become the brightest days of our lives.
The present is the only moment in which we can be.
Pathways of Purpose
We all have practices to establish the focus of our intention. Be they creative, educational, healing, spiritual or in service to others, how we identify and express ourselves is the embodiment of our soul. When we accept our opportunities to progress, we inspire our experience. For the last twenty-three years, I have been empowered by proactive and progressive ways to transcend social reality and make a difference. If we are not willing to give of ourselves and our lives to transform our experience, we are merely marking time, awaiting the inevitable. There is nothing more gratifying and momentous than our goodwill.
Insight and Inspiration
Who we become and how we live is inspired by what motivates us. Our lives are littered with social errands, obligations and responsibilities constantly coercing us into surviving instead of thriving. Something new must be created for us to break out of the common, vicious cycles in which we subscribe. Our intuition and heart allow us to transcend social reality. When I chose to be guided in this way, it elevated and expanded my experience. My vision empowered my creativity, epiphany and possibilities beyond my imagination. I became engaged in a multidimensional dance with the universe.
Age of Empowerment
We live in an extraordinary era. A transition is occurring shifting us from rigid, social standards to identifying, claiming and expressing our personal power. We all have the potential to be the leaders we look for in others. It simply requires us to embrace our opportunity, express our purpose and manifest our destiny. When I transformed my perception of how I experience life, it became less about obligation and more about inspiration. The definition of success is not monetary, it is energetic. The life force I receive from the universe is equivalent to the quality of my focus, intent and purpose.
Being Energy
We are who we chose to be. We are a body, mind, heart and soul. Yet most importantly, we are a vessel of universal energy. When we maintain balance with the dimensions of our being, we align with and express our fullest potential. The essence of who we are is the difference we choose to make in service to others. Giving for the sake of giving is what truly conveys our humanity, relativity and divinity. Sharing our creativity, energy and universality is what empowers our vision, passion and willpower. Our energy is what transforms our being and experience.
The Art of Being
Shifting our focus from egocentricity to philanthropy is the soul of our transformation. As present as we are to others is as present as we are to ourselves. When we listen with an intent to hear, we are truly being. This is our relativity with the universe. When we choose to serve others, we embody universality by holding a sacred space for all to be. Imagination is the breath of the universe. Being is the way we align with the universe to empower us as an expression of its creativity.
Being is the essence of the universe.
First published in Iam’s blog iamsaums.com
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