…left his body on 7 February 2020.
Swami Krishna Saraswati (Ramanbhai Patel) had been associated with Osho since the very early days. Osho had also sent him to Kenya to open a new meditation centre in Nairobi, Anand Need.
When Osho and Kranti were living in Woodlands, Osho once returned from Ahmedabad with Kabeer and Krishna Saraswati, who then stayed with Osho for three years (May 1971-74), and lived in an adjoining apartment.
At the meditation camps Osho was holding in Mt Abu and Matheran, Krishna Saraswati was asked to conduct Divine Healing for whosoever was interested to receive the healing in a group. Keerti remembers that 50 to 100 people would gather for such a healing.
On the last day of the Mt Abu camp in autumn 1973, Krishna Saraswati and American Ananda Pratima* were blessed by Osho to get married. She was also declared World President of Neo-Sannyas International, New York. Around 1974 Osho asked the couple to go to New York and start a center, which they did. (He was then to greet Osho in Chidvilas when he arrived in 1981.)
In 1971 Osho wrote letters to Krishna Saraswati, in Hindi and in English, some published in The Silent Music. Last December Krishna Saraswati specially called Anuragi to hand him over Osho’s original letters, saying that he no longer possessed them and that they would much better be kept with him.
On one of his visits to Pune, he meets Osho in a darshan which was transcribed for the diary, Hallelujah!: Observing or involvement
After many years in the USA, he returned to India and stayed in an isolated place outside Ahmedabad, still very dedicated to Osho. He used to conduct meditation camps, in Ahmedabad, Mehsana, Nadiad, Kolkata and other places.
He investigated about life after death and experimented with Soul Journeys. For many sannyasins in Ahmedabad he was a friend, guide and philosopher, and never hesitated to give a sharp reply, when necessary, we hear from Moksha.
Saraswati left his body at 4:30 pm on 7 February 2020 in Ahmedabad, after being hospitalized for some time. We hear that before leaving the body he said that he was now meditating and “So, please don’t disturb me.” After that he went in peace forever.
* Ananda Pratima had interviewed Osho and these eight discourses (1 April 1971 – 30 June 1971) were then published in 1972. They became Osho’s first book in English, I Am the Gate, whilst Osho’s letters to her were published in, The Eternal Message.
Thanks for alert to Anuragi, to Sannyas.Wiki, OshoSourceBook.com, to Keerti and Moksha for photos and info
You can leave a message / tribute / anecdote by writing to Osho News, see our contact page (pls add ‘Krishna Saraswati’ in the subject field).
Thankful to my beloved friend Krishna Saraswati for sharing his life and some significant meditative techniques with us.
May he continue to guide us.
Go in peace, my friend.
Thank you for your guidance.
Krisna Saraswati brought me to Osho. In spring 1974 Ma Dhyan Siddhi lived in Larchmont NY with Ma Ananda Pratima and Ma Ananda Prem. They had just returned from India where Osho had married Pratima (6 feet tall American billionaire who preferred the company of women to men) to Sw. Krna S. (5’6″unattached to anybody), saying it “would be good for both of your meditations”. The 3 women promptly got Krsna his own apartment across the hall.
They called me and told me there was someone I should meet. Krsna was sick in bed when I came to meet him. I fell in love immediately. We hung out together every Wed for 2 years, until I took sannyas. We went to workshops with the Sufi Pir Vilayat , interviewed Ram Dass at my house, and met Choggyam Trungpa at the Tail of the Tiger in Vermont.
He was always laughing, somewhat irreverent and quick to point out spiritual trips and pretensions. His own meditation was incredibly disciplined until he died, always sitting for at least a few hours each day, no matter where he was.
He worked for several years in nursing homes in Westchester, and during the ranch at a stationary/cigarette store near Times Square in NYC. He always caused trouble for the Osho organizations by being irreverent and calling people on their bullshit and power trips, hence he rarely visited or lived in them. This may also have been a device of Osho to mature this very advanced soul. He was a trickster and a joker, not a politician or ego tripping pundit or therapist.
Krsna, Yoga Chinmaya, and Osho are the only 3 men I have trusted more than I trusted myself to guide me where I need to go, but did not know how to approach it. He will come back as a great Bodhisattva or a Buddha next life
Anand Bodhicitta
Beloved Krishna,
With LOVE, RESPECT and THANKFULNESS to you, With thankfulness to Existence as well, that which brought you into my life in 1989. It was just few months before Osho left his body. Osho was THE BEST THING that ever happened in my life. You have been THE VERY BEST THING that has ever happened in my life. We shared a rare friendship. Can I call it friendship actually? What was it in fact? I don’t know exactly, but I know that I couldn’t have dreamt of a more rich and abiding friendship that we shared.
It all started first with the books you suggested I read. I read them happily. Sharing started to happen between us through those books and some selected videos. My eyes started opening to new ‘spiritual horizons’. After some time, our sharing deepened and through it, it cleared-up many misunderstandings I had about what is called the ‘Spiritual Search’. In the last and most recent years, our sharing took on a rare quality…
I’ve just realized that you have been a ‘Teacher who could teach without teaching’, or rather, a wise and sensitive ‘Guide’, as the word you preferred. Whatever I needed to know and understand happened smoothly at the right time, almost by itself and through your presence. As a result, many things started falling apart, around and within, my ‘Spiritual Search’, but there was no pain! There was only the joy of dropping dreams and misunderstandings. And so, the joy of moving forward was getting stronger and stronger. How to thank you?
To understand Krishna one would have to read the early books of Osho and some books about the lives of Jiddhu Krishnamurti and UG Krishnamurti. To go deeper in the sharing with Krishna, one would have to be ready to drop old conditionings, new and ‘modern’ conditionings and, even Osho Sannyas conditionings. Krishna’s way was definitely not the way of the believer!
He said not long ago, “A good disciple may challenge his Master.” His mind was very sharp, quick, ever fresh and independent, and most importantly, unattached. He was ready to question what others would never question: the phenomenon of Osho, the phenomenon of all the Gurus and their teachings, the concept of the ‘Guru and Disciple Relationship’ and even the concept of Enlightenment itself. Truth and only Truth was his goal, not the Masters, not the Gurus, not their teachings, not the knowledge ‘about’ Truth. With Krishna, only the Naked Truth would do!
His search started at an early age. His longing was more than deep, his dedication to find the Truth was total and very steady throughout his life. Krishna had his first major Energy explosion with his first Master Swayamjyoti (ashram in Bharuch, Gujarat). There he started to experience and learn about the ‘Divine Energy’. Then he listened and studied Jiddhu Krisnamurti. A second major Energy explosion happened in the presence of Osho on his very first day of Dynamic Meditation, in the early Osho times. It lasted for 21 days. Osho saw that he could use Krishna as a channel for the ‘Divine Energy’ to heal others during meditation camps. Thereafter, this Energy went on working in Krishna up to the very last day of his life.
He was very disciplined. He never stopped working on himself. He was a self-taught person and went on reading all kinds of books which dealt with spiritual growth: past life, spirit worlds, spirit guides, channelling, rebirthing, NDE, … Krishna studied Osho, and J. Krishnamurti, UG and many other books from the Indian tradition. He used to spent a lot of his time in meditation wherever he was. Sometimes he would go alone into silent retreats for one or two weeks in an isolated ashram in India. During his last years, he used to meditate day and night without effort.
I know he went straight to the Light and has met Osho there. He is happy “upstairs” as he used to call the “other world”. Since this journey never seems to end, I wish him a good further journey. Beloved Krishna, I’ll see you “upstairs”… or somewhere else…
Ma Dhyan Prateeksha
Miss you Swami Ji. It was my good luck meeting you in Canada. We were waiting for you to come and stay with us this year in Canada or US. Your love, compassion and simplicity was overpowering. The impression you left on our minds and souls will shine forever. Brought us closer to OSHO. Our salutes to great soul.
Piara Banait
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