News from Svagito about the long-awaited museum in Tuscany, Italy, created to house Meera’s artwork to celebrate her legacy as a painter and art therapist.
I am very happy to announce that we have finally managed to complete the works at the museum and unofficially opened it to the public. The big opening celebration will happen next year, on May 1. Because of the corona restrictions we are unable to hold it this year.
Almost all of the 35 chosen paintings are displayed now on three floors and the whole place looks simply amazingly beautiful. Some people started crying on entering because they were so touched to see Meera’s paintings in all their grandeur.
The building is an old Tuscan-style stone house which has been renovated; the paintings harmonize perfectly with the stone walls, wooden floors and metal railings.
Our friend Hendrik Andresen did an amazing job with framing all the paintings using high-quality anti-reflection glass with UV protection. He framed them in Germany and we then arranged for a special transport to Italy. It was quite an enterprise to transport framed paintings of such sizes over 700 km – and the last 7 km on a bumpy dirt road – without breaking the glass! Only Meera’s huge Nalla Park painting had to be framed inside the museum and then lifted high up with a hoist pulley. It took 6 people one full day to get this done!
We also bought the best museum-quality spotlights, with the proper light level and temperature, to allow each painting to stand out from the surrounding walls. The whole space is air-conditioned and the temperature and humidity is controlled 24 hours throughout the year to protect the paintings.
We even have a separate projector room where people can watch Meera’s painting DVDs, an extra room for the bar and a small shop.
The outdoor sign for the museum features Meera’s signature and is especially beautiful with its lighting from behind.
At the moment we open every Saturday afternoon. We already had some groups come to visit from Osho Miasto and also did a watching meditation inside the museum. My idea for the future is to offer regular meditations and create an art place where also other artists can exhibit their work.
Many people have contributed to the creation of this project and I want to mention especially Shakti and Osho Miasto. Without them this place could not have happened. Also Anurakti, who helps me with the Meera Art Foundation, has put a lot of energy in every tiny detail to make the museum and the paintings look so shining and beautiful. Maitrie is helping with the running of the museum and also organises the volunteer helpers.
I am very thankful that we have managed to put this small museum together in memory of our beloved Meera and in honour of her work, a contribution to make this earth a little more beautiful and bring joy and serenity to people’s heart.
My wish is that many of you will be able to come and see this jewel of a museum. And I must tell you: it is not the same when you only see it on the video! –
More about and by Meera on Osho News
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