Osho says, “All other human beings are just like you. Just forms differ, names differ….”
You must love yourself; that is a basic requirement – which is missing all over the world. That’s why the world is in such a misery. Everybody trying to love but it is impossible to love because the basis is not there – the foundation lacking. Love yourself. And then suddenly you will find yourself reflected everywhere.
You are a human being and all other human beings are just like you. Just forms differ, names differ, but the reality is the same. Go on moving farther and farther – then animals are also like you. The form differs a little more. But the being? Then the trees are also like you. Go farther and farther; the ripples spread – then even rocks, because they also exist like you. Existence is the same, similar.
This is the only way to love God: start by loving yourself and let the love spread. Then don’t let there be any boundaries. Go on and on – to the very infinity. This is what prayer is, this is what devotion is.
Osho, The True Sage, Ch 4, Q 3 (excerpt)
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