Love Has No Rules

Music Reviews

A new Jazz album by Vismaya (Ingrid Hagelberg).

Love Has No RulesLove Has No Rules
Ingrid Hagelberg
OLI Records – LC 19844
Music: Nenad Mandic
Arrangements: Nenad Mandic and Ole Kock Hansen
Lyrics: Ingrid Hagelberg (Alain Soutenet translation)
Producers: Ingrid Hagelberg and Nenad Mandic
Recording: The Village Recording, Copenhagen; recorded and mixed by Thomas Vang
Additional vocal recording and editing: Brick Road Studio, Scottsdale, Arizona, Recorded and mixed by Mark DeCozio
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Radio interview

A one-hour interview for the show Alpha Omega with Paul Janes Brown for Manao Radio on Maui, aired on 15 April 2021. It also features a few songs from ‘Love Has No Rules’. Link to share

Vismaya talks to Osho News

I don’t know how many of you have read the nice article that Viramo wrote about me and my music career, that appeared in Osho News in 2013 (Song and silence on the road to Osho) – but I’ve continued to pursue my passion for music, and every summer sees me in Sweden and Denmark, performing with great jazz musicians.

I’ve been writing songs with the composer Nenad Mandic for years now. And we’d also collected some of my other songs that we wanted to record with some of these great Danish jazz guys. It all came together last October. Since I’m a Swedish citizen I could travel to Scandinavia during the pandemic and then Nenad could come up from Frankfurt to oversee the recordings that took place in a wonderful studio in Copenhagen. We had the well-known jazz pianist Ole Kock Hansen leading the band – and we did all the recording in two days. Since I was staying in Malmö, we had to have special permission to go across on The Bridge, in the fog of course, to Copenhagen. It was all very exciting.

And now the CD, ‘Love Has No Rules,’ is ready. All are original songs, and some have been translated into German and some into French – these with the help of Anahad (Alain Soutenet), a sannyasin who also lives here in Sedona. Since we are sending the album to radio stations in Europe, we thought it would be fun to have the songs in different languages.

The CD is up on Amazon, Spotify, YouTube, and all the streaming media, and you are invited to download or stream it. (Just know that for every stream we make 0.003 cents and maybe in a year I’ll make $50…. Yes I’m being sarcastic. But hey, I never got on the music path because of money…) Although Osho said he hated jazz, he always encouraged me to be a singer. And I think he might like this CD. Let me know if you like it via my contact page.

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Vismaya (Ingrid Hagelberg) was born in Malmö, Sweden. She received her music education at a teachers’ training college in Sweden and from studying with private teachers. But the main education, she says, is being on the road and singing night after night in clubs and theaters. With her original songs and her jazz/cabaret shows, she has traveled the world. Vismaya’s base is in Sedona, AZ.

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