‘Doing a Suzuki’

1001 Tales told by the Master

Osho states, “Life has to be lived without questions and without answers…”

D.T. Suzuki

I have heard:

The old man of Zen, Dr D. T. Suzuki, was asked by a student at a lecture once: ‘When you use the word reality are you referring to the relative reality of the physical world, or to the Absolute Reality of the spiritual world?’ Saying nothing, Suzuki closed his eyes. (‘Doing a Suzuki’ the students called it, for at such times it could not be known whether he was profoundly meditating or just fallen asleep.) After a full minute that seemed very much longer, Suzuki opened his eyes and said ‘Yes.’

This is the way of a wise man. Questions don’t mean much, this way or that. Answers don’t mean much, this way or that. Life has to be lived without questions and without answers, only then do you live in its authenticity.

So go to life – that is the only temple where God can be found. And with no questions and with no answers, just go silently, innocently. Ignorantly. Just go there and let life take possession of you.

Osho, The Revolution, Ch 1 (excerpt)

Series compiled by Shanti
All excerpts of this series can be found in: 1001 Tales

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