
Tiny Meditations

“Always fall asleep filling the whole sky.”

tree and sky

Lie down on the bed. You can have one pillow underneath your feet to make it more comfortable; you can have a small pillow just underneath your back so you are perfectly at ease. Mm? – feeling at ease is very essential, the body should be in perfect rest. Then close your eyes and start relaxing, just have the feeling that you are relaxing – nothing special, just the feel that you are relaxing.

Just go on repeating ‘I am relaxing, relaxing, relaxing…’ and make the word ‘relaxing’, longer and longer and longer: r-e-l-a-x-i-n-g, r-e-l-a-x-i-n-g’.

Make it as long as possible, and very silently repeat inside, ‘relaxing’. You can do it in [your own language], that will go deeper…

And always remember, whenever you are suggesting anything yourself, suggest it in your mother tongue. Never suggest anything with any other tongue that is not your mother tongue because it never goes deep. All other languages we learn later on, so they are superficial. Always suggest in the same language in which you dream – then it will go deep. And we almost always dream in our mother tongues. That is our deepest core, our first language; our first language remains our deepest language.

So for just two minutes feel that you are relaxing, suggest to yourself that you are relaxing the body. Then start feeling one thing.…

From inside move to your feet – from the inside. Close your eyes and start moving inside your body from the belly to the feet. Go to the feet and feel where the feet are, then start feeling that the feet are growing, becoming bigger, longer – two inches longer.

When you feel now they are two inches longer, stop for one minute, then bring them back again to their normal size, then again two inches, then again back to their normal size – do that three times.

After three times, leave the feet two inches long, and now move towards the head and feel that the head is growing two inches longer. Do it three times, and then leave the head also… so now you are four inches longer.

This is only for the beginning – after two, three weeks, start growing longer: four inches, six inches, twelve inches. Two feet is the perfect height – two feet from one end, two feet from another end, that means four feet. When you have come to four feet and you can almost visualise that it has happened, then the meditation will start working.

With that extra height of four feet you can do miracles. Then you can imagine anything and that will happen. Once this has happened – this is a basic requirement – once you have learned this, then everything can happen. Then in a single jump you can say ‘I am bigger than the house’ – and you will be bigger than the house! Only up to four feet does the mind resist. Beyond four feet the mind relaxes, the mind says ‘Now you are mad. Go to whatsoever height you want!’ Four feet or forty feet, then it makes no difference. Up to four feet it goes on resisting, ‘This is nonsense – what are you doing?’

The mind goes slowly, slowly – it is very stubborn up to four feet. Once the four feet boundary has been touched, the mind says ‘It’s okay – now you are incurable, you can do whatsoever you want. You can feel bigger than the house, you can feel bigger than the earth, you can feel that you are filling the whole sky!’

Always fall asleep filling the whole sky. And in the morning you will feel more love for the whole existence than you have ever dreamt. You will feel more love than you ever felt for your beloved – even for an ordinary tree you will be full of love. You will be almost in a romantic love with an ordinary pebble.

But this method will take at least ten minutes, mm? And then for ten minutes you remain as big as the whole sky, and then fall asleep in that state.

Osho, This Is It, Ch 21

Photo by Daniel Olah on Unsplash

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