The rising and falling of your breath: that is the way of looking within

Osho A-Z

Osho on ‘Breath’; “Breath is the bridge between your soul and your body.”


The rising and falling of your breath: that is the way of looking within. Many have said: Look within. Socrates has said: Look within, know thyself, but nobody has given the exact method. Buddha gives you the exact method: the rising and the falling of the breath. It is through the breath that you are bridged. Breath is the bridge between your soul and your body. If you can watch your breath rising and falling, slowly slowly you will be able to see the body as separate from yourself and also the breath as separate from yourself, because the watcher cannot be the watched, the observer cannot be the observed. Suddenly one day you will realize that you are the witness of it all. And the witness is certainly transcendental to all that it witnesses. In that very moment freedom has happened to you.

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 11, Ch 5

A quote published in The Book: An Introduction to the Teachings of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
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