A course by Nandin Baker on Zoom.
Touch your essence, express your being!
Using meditative techniques including breath, movement and stillness, find inner peace and transmit that when you make music.
Express every note from your deepest core.
Get back in touch with what originally brought you to music.
Go on an inner voyage to find that which appeared to be missing but that is actually closer than our breath.
Deeply fulfilling and fun too!
Although I’m a classically trained flutist, years of playing music at the Meditation Resort in Pune introduced me to the deep fulfillment that comes from playing that kind of music. Much to my surprise, thousands of people listen weekly to the recordings I made of this kind of music which is what inspired me to create a course so that others can experience the peace, satisfaction and joy that comes from playing in this manner.
Meditative Music Taster
Before I start my Meditative Music Making Deep Dive on Sundays every two weeks for two hours (September 4 to October 30) there will be one more free Taster left: on Sunday, August 21 (Europe: 6 pm CEST, 5 pm BST, Americas:12 pm (noon), EDT, 9 am).
We’ll touch on more meditative portals to source our essence in the best possible way as we did in the previous Taster workshops (July 10, 18, 29 and August 6) (see details at end).
Here’s the link to sign up for the free Taster workshop: mailchi.mp
Meditative Music Making Deep Dive
September 4 – October 30
Every second Sunday for two hours from September 4 until October 30, I’m offering the Meditative Music Making Deep Dive. This will provide you (and your students and clients) with the tools to tune into your deeper purpose and bring it to light. It’s the most satisfying way to make every kind of music.
Join us to explore your inner depths, express that through music and send that frequency out into the world.
For more information and to join: mailchi.mp
I’ll provide recordings of back up tracks so that in between sessions, you’ll have time to dive more deeply into the meditation practices and bring that into the music you play.
We’ll have a private Meditative Music Making Facebook or What’s App group so we can stay in touch and you can ask questions and share experiences.
I’m also offering you a one hour private session where we discover the best ways for you to access your inner meditative musician.
This is for you when
- You want to experience the deep peace of meditation and bring that into your daily life. Great for nerves!
- You want to express music from your innermost core. You are much more than just a note factory!
- It sounds like fun! This is the most blissful way to play music.
Here’s the sign-up link with more information, pricing, etc: mailchi.mp
Past Taster events
Meditative Music Making Taster July 10, 2022
We started with some yoga stretches, followed by listening to a Tibetan Gong meditation and then some humming. After that, I played the tamboura while we improvised together. Some of the comments were:
”Very inspirational”
“It was beautiful”
“So relaxing”
Meditative Music Making Taster July 18, 2022
The best thing to do when it’s hot outside is make some meditative music. How? Motion: We’ll be moving around a bit – slowly with the Divine Healing Exercises. Meditation: Comes naturally with the 5 Healing sounds followed by a little mantra singing. (Hey, it’s on Zoom, if you’re shy, no one else will hear you!) Music: Then we played with one of my favorite back-up tracks: God’s Bathtub! (Can’t go for a swim today? This will sound like you’re in the water!) Ah – bliss!
Meditative Music Making Taster July 29, 2022
We started with gentle shaking to loosen up followed by yoga alternate nostril breathing (pranayama). That brought us to our center. When we’re in touch with our core, we can easily express music through our instrument or voice in a playful way, bypassing the mind and really “being in the moment”. My backing track, Ice Rainforest (with video), helped out. Meditative Music Making made easy!
Meditative Music Taster, August 6, 2022
After doing some warm-up exercises from Deep Listening by Pauline Oliveros, we relaxed in a semi-supine position to a guided meditation from Alexander Technique expert, Dr. Gabriella Minnes-Brandes. That prepared us to improvise with one of my backing tracks, including a little rhythm from India on tablas. To fearlessly try out something new and fun, we played with Zoom funky filters to a piece of my music which was a wonderful way to get in touch with music as a joyful and creative experience!
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