A divine voice is always there in the heart always calling you.
But you are not available
You are engaged in some mundane affairs
In some ordinary things.
Your mind is full of unnecessary rubbish
Busy without business.
So you go on missing the still small voice within.
Once the mind is silent, once thoughts disappear
Once you are left without any thoughts
Suddenly the voice is heard.
And to hear god directly from your heart
Is the beginning of transformation.
It is revelation.
God always comes as a revelation
Never as knowledge but always as revelation.
Remember it.
And it is not far away. He is always there
Twenty-four hours a day
Waiting for you.
But people go on running hither and thither.
They waste their whole life
In such stupid nonsense
That it seems unimaginable
That man can be so unintelligent.
But he is.
A sannyasin has to be intelligent.
He has to reconsider his whole life-style.
This is the beginning of a great pilgrimage.
Osho, Eighty Four Thousand Poems, Ch 2 (excerpt, unpublished)
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