Techniques to stop our Inner Judge, by Bhavi
In one of my favourite films, Peaceful Warrior, there is a pivotal scene where the protagonist, Dan, confronts the voices within his own head. His journey in the movie is the inner journey where he needs to deal with his relentless inner critic – with which each one of us has to contend in our daily lives.
The Inner Critic, or the Inner Judge, is the voice in our minds that says things like: ‘You’re not good enough’ or ‘Why did you do that?’ or ‘You’re always making mistakes’. We often do not even know when we are having an Inner Judge Attack…
In the movie, Dan meets a guide that takes him through a journey of taking out ‘The Trash’ from his mind. The Trash is anything that reflects the voices in ourselves which take us away from the connection to our essence. (Our inner critic can be relentless, harsh, ongoing.)
The journey is to find the art of embracing and becoming friends with all the voices within us, like a martial artist….
Note: The Inner Critic has many layers to it, and often the voices in our minds from childhood are there to protect us. Often, however, they act as a barrier to our blossoming.
A very simple technique to deal with the inner critic is to:
- First, center and ground yourself.
- Second, listen to the voice and watch your reaction – you may notice you have the tendency to want to fight the voice, run away or freeze. This all takes energy.
- Third, practise saying STOP to the voice – like a ‘Samurai-STOP’.
Enjoy this scene from the Peaceful Warrior:
Watch the scene as a gentle nudge to listen to your own voice, to shift through the clutter and step into the clarity of the present moment in your life – here and now.
Svarup will be leading a 10-session Online Live Childhood Deconditioning Process, starting on 25 January and ending on 13 June 2024.
To know more go to
Related articles
- Inner Child – In this podcast, therapist Svarup speaks to Bhavi about Primal and Inner Child Work and her upcoming live 10-session online Childhood De-conditioning Process
- Articles on Osho News about Inner Judge
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