Universe Within


Photographs with a poem – by Dhyan Tarpan

Lotus pod
015 IMG_0996
020 IMG_0975
030 IMG_0982
040 IMG_0977
050 IMG_1001
060 IMG_0983
070 IMG_0976
080 IMG_0975-002
090 IMG_0975-001

The other universe
is not far
nor near.
It’s here

this very lotus pool.

If an Alien
gazes one day
up at our own galaxy
so far, so far away

who knows but it
might have looked like
a lotus pool
brimming with
silence and sparkles.

Universe is always
universe within
the universe within
the universe within


Dhyan Tarpan is a writer, translator and musician from Kerala. facebook.comdhyantarpan.com

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