Horoscope for the Month of Pisces 2024


This month’s horoscope by Phoebe with quotes by Osho; “Once you drop expectations you have learned how to live. Then everything that happens fulfills you, whatsoever it is.”

Pisces Mandala by Padma
‘Pisces’ © by Deva Padma, available as fine art print from devapadma-prints.com

Phoebe would like to point out that we all have all the twelve zodiac signs in our horoscope – some with planets in them and some are empty – meaning some of the themes addressed are in the foreground and some in the background of our lives. “I recommend readers to read all twelve quotes, not just their star sign, for a wider perspective on the themes of the month,” she says.

Planetary Positions

Sun in Aquarius enters Pisces on 19th February.
Full Moon 24th February in Virgo. New Moon 10th March in Pisces.
Mercury in Aquarius enters Pisces on 23rd February and then enters Aries on 10th March.
Venus in Aquarius enters Pisces on 11th March.
Mars in Aquarius.
Jupiter in Taurus.
Saturn in Pisces.
Uranus in Taurus.
Neptune in Pisces.
Pluto in Aquarius.
Chiron direct in Aries.

Mood of the Moment

“Wouldn’t you like to be mad like Saint Francis of Assisi? Just think – the capacity to hear the almond tree singing, and the heart that can feel brothers and sisters in trees, the heart that can talk to the rock, the heart that sees God everywhere, all around, in every form. It must be a heart of utmost love. Utter love reveals that mystery to you, but for the logical mind, of course, these things are nonsense. To me, or to anybody who has known how to look at life through the heart, these are the only meaningful things.”

Osho, Ancient Music in the Pines, Ch 6


“You go on throwing away energy. By and by you feel dissipated, frustrated. Nothing comes back. By and by you start to feel empty. The energy is just oozing out every day and then comes death. Death is nothing else but that you are exhausted and spent. The greatest miracle in life is to understand this and to turn the energy towards home. It is as turning in… You become a pool of energy, a reservoir, and energy is delight, sheer delight.”

Osho, Ancient Music in the Pines, Ch 6


”Love comprehends all contradictions in it. Love is even capable of comprehending its own opposite – hate… In fact, if you really love, hate is not a distraction. On the contrary it gives color, spice… If you love you will know many things which are qualities of God – that he comprehends opposites, that even the Devil is allowed to have his say, that there is no problem with the opposite, that the enemy is also a friend and deep down related and connected… The whole is bigger than all the opposites… This is the higher mathematics of the heart!”

Osho, Ancient Music in the Pines, Ch 6


“The ego feels very fulfilled if it need not learn anything from anybody. The ego feels very enhanced if it feels that it already knows. But the problem is that life goes on changing. It is never the same, it goes on flowing… Your knowledge is not evolving with life. It is stuck somewhere in the past and whenever you react through it you will miss the point… Life has changed but your knowledge remains the same and you act out of this knowledge… Existence is so tremendously vast and infinite, beginningless, endless, how can this tiny drop of consciousness know it?

Osho, Ancient Music in the Pines, Ch 2


“The whole art is how to function from the feminine part of the mind, because the feminine is joined with the Whole, and the male is not joined with the Whole… The male mind is a trouble-making phenomenon hence it overpowers, it dominates. But deep down, although you may attain power, you miss life, and deep down the feminine mind continues. Unless you fall back to the feminine and you surrender, unless your resistance and struggle become surrender, you will not know what real life is, and the celebration of it!”

Osho, Ancient Music in the Pines, Ch 1


“Once you drop expectations you have learned how to live. Then everything that happens fulfills you, whatsoever it is. For one thing, you never feel frustrated because in the first place you never expected… Once expectations are not there you are free to move into the unknown and to accept the unknown whatsoever it brings… Your doors and your windows are open. In comes sunshine, in comes the breeze, in comes the fragrance of flowers – everything unexpected. You never asked for it, and existence goes on showering it on you!”

Osho, Ancient Music in the Pines, Ch 9


“Whenever your heart falls out of line with the whole you are in trouble, you are ill… To be whole is to be healthy. To be whole is to be holy. And what is the way to be holy, healthy, whole? Your heart should beat in the same rhythm as the heart of the whole. You should not fall out of line, out of step. It is a great cosmic dance. It is a great harmony. When you sit still, silent, not doing anything, meditative, prayerful, suddenly you start merging into the whole. You come closer and closer and closer, and your steps are no longer heard as separate from the whole. You become part of this great symphony!”

Osho, Ancient Music in the Pines, Ch 8


“Ordinarily, you are on guard. That’s why people are so tense – continuously on guard, guarding themselves… The more you are clever and cunning, the more inauthentic you become. Don’t hide behind screens. Come out in the sunshine, and don’t be afraid that your image will be shattered. The image that you are afraid of being shattered is not worth keeping… Then by and by, if you relax, and if you are not too much worried about your image in the eyes of others, your own authentic face, your original face, comes into being, the face that you had before you were born… With that original face… you can meet with the original, with the reality. With a mask you will meet only other masks.”

Osho, Ancient Music in the Pines, Ch 5


“Whenever fear comes to you don’t suppress it, don’t repress it, don’t avoid it, don’t get occupied in something so that you can forget about it. No! When fear comes watch it. Be face to face with it. Encounter it. Look deep into it. Gaze into the valley of fear. Of course you will perspire and you will tremble, and it will be like a death, and you will have to live it many times. But by and by, the more your eyes become clear, the more your awareness becomes alert, the more your focus is there on the fear, the fear will disappear like a mist. And once fear disappears sometimes, even for only a moment, suddenly you are deathless!”

Osho, Ancient Music in the Pines, Ch 5


“Once you drop the past the future drops on its own accord, because the future is nothing but a projection of the past. In the past you had some pleasures; now the mind projects those same pleasures into the future. In the past you had some sufferings; now the mind projects a future in which those sufferings are not allowed to happen… Pleasures that you enjoyed in the past are projected and miseries are dropped. Your future is a more colorful and modified past… Once the past drops suddenly the future drops, and then you are left here and now… and that is the only way to be!”

Osho, Ancient Music in the Pines, Ch 9


“The ability to concentrate is not something to feel blessed about. It is a frozen state of mind, a very narrow state of mind. Useful, of course, useful for others – useful in scientific inquiry, useful in business… But absolutely useless for yourself. If you become too attuned with concentration you will become very, very tense… Concentration is like a torch, focused, and consciousness is like a lamp, unfocused. My whole effort here is to teach you consciousness not concentration. And this is the point to be remembered – if you become conscious, any moment you want to concentrate on a particular problem you can!”

Osho, Ancient Music in the Pines, Ch 9


“Words are figures; silence is the background. Words come and go; silence remains. When you were born you were born as a silence – just intervals and intervals, gaps and gaps. Infinite emptiness you came with, unbounded emptiness you brought with you in life. Then you started collecting words. That’s why if you go back in your memory… there comes a point where suddenly there is no memory. Up to that time you were an emptiness – pure, virgin, uncorrupted by words. You were pure sky… Emptiness is your self!”

Osho, Ancient Music in the Pines, Ch 7


“Meditation is a flower and compassion is its fragrance. Exactly like that it happens. The flower blooms and the fragrance spreads on the winds in all directions to be carried to the very ends of earth… Until and unless the inner being of man flowers, the fragrance of compassion is not possible… Without meditation, energy remains passion; with meditation, the same energy becomes compassion… Passion moves downwards, compassion moves upwards. Passion moves through desire, compassion moves through desirelessness… Once the flower has bloomed compassion is released.”

Osho, Ancient Music in the Pines, Ch 3

Phoebe Wyss

Phoebe Wyss is a regular contributor for the monthly horoscope and is the author of various books on astrology. astrophoebe.com


Padma is an internationally exhibited artist, the creator and designer of the Osho Zen Tarot, the Tao Oracle and the Sacred She deck. Her work includes paintings, collages, mixed media, book illustrations, and CD covers. embraceart.comthesacredshetarot.com

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