Sudhir writes in this month’s horoscope: “As the Sun moves through Aries, it’s time to figure out the difference between activity and action. Activity is distraction, escape. Action is an immediate, unpremeditated response to ‘what is’ that combines energy and awareness.”

I call someone religious who is at rest within the circular movement of the universe. Someone is religious who knows that universal forces are at work and there is no hurry; that hurry is no use. If we can simply be one with the universal harmony, that is enough, and it is blissful”
Osho, Astrology: Superstition, Blind Faith or a Door to the Essential? Ch 2
Planetary Positions
Sun – in Aries from today, enters Taurus on April 19
Full Moon – March 25 in Libra, New Moon – April 8 in Aries
Mercury – in Aries, goes retrograde April 2
Venus – in Pisces, enters Aries April 5
Mars – in Aquarius, enters Pisces March 23
Jupiter – in Taurus
Saturn – in Pisces
Uranus – in Taurus
Neptune – in Pisces
Pluto – in Aquarius
Chiron – in Aries
Mood of the Moment
As the Sun moves through Aries, it’s time to figure out the difference between activity and action. Activity is distraction, escape. Action is an immediate, unpremeditated response to ‘what is’ that combines energy and awareness. The great Aries lesson is to move responsively with sensitivity intact.
Fiery Mars, your ruling planet, moves into watery Pisces, at the beginning of this monthly cycle. Mars is the adventurer. Pisces represents that world of deep emotional longing at the core of our soul, for union, bliss, melting. Explore all available means to meditatively vanish.
Venus, your guiding planetary light, moves from Pisces into Aries early in April. Where you have been floaty, imaginative and probably content, you are about to be kicked into action and be refreshed by a bout of divine discontent. Fire up your system. Be a cyclone. Find the eye.
As Mercury (in Aries) goes retrograde in early April, so it’s time to sit as still as a Buddha in the very midst of your passion. To go out to others and try to express your every thought simply won’t work. It’s time to identify where your energy is leaking, and bring it back home.
To evolve and grow, we have to leave the safety of the womb. As the Sun moves through the sign of the adventurer, Aries, so life will draw you out of your comfort zone into places of exploration and growth. Feel all the feelings that go with this. Discover security in insecurity.
Your passion is to ‘be’; to shine with presence. The Sun is moving through a fire sign, Aries, igniting your fire. Explore all the nuances of self-remembering. At our core is ‘no-self’. This is where real presence lies. Deep-dive into the very heart of the fire of isness. You know how.
Mercury, your ruling planet, goes retrograde in early April. Where Mercury goes, you go. This is an opportunity to shine the light of your intelligence inwards. Mercury was the god the alchemists called on to change base metal to gold. Take the hint. Tune in and follow suit.
Venus enters fiery Aries in early April. She is your muse. In Aries, she will seduce you away from the siren call of endless sweetness, into the educative friction that follows in the wake of taking a position and truly following your gut. Risk experience. She is the ultimate educator.
Pluto, your guiding astrological spirit, is in Aquarius. The world of ideals is being turned upside down. The notion of freedom is receiving an existential reboot. Life is inviting you to look at the fear beneath the desire to be in control, and offering relaxation and let-go as an alternative.
Your world has been paradoxical for some time. Jupiter, your ruling planet, and the planet of expansion and growth, is in Taurus, the most earthy of the earth signs. Galloping around, hell west and crooked, isn’t the way. To really fly, be present to the immediacy of your senses.
The symbol for Capricorn is a goat with a fish’s tail. Goats like to climb. Fish like to dive deep. Life is insisting via Saturn in Pisces and a healthy dose of the inescapable, that you presently dive deep. Feel your longing in all it’s glory. Forget about satisfying it – just feel it.
With Pluto, the planet of regeneration and rebirth in your midst, there is no turning back from your transformational journey. Pluto is that archetypal force within, that out of compassion wants us to bite into that mysterious something that tastes of deathlessness. Embrace this.
Saturn is in your midst, slowing you down and making you aware of the restorative benefits of stillness. Resistance is useless. All the obstacles life presents are gifts from the inescapable, inviting you into the very heart of meditation. Cease your darting around and be with what is.
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