Amitabha / Marie


(21 June 1961 – 21 March 2024)


Amitabha (Marie Bouman)

by Narayan

I knew Amitabha from a distance at the Ranch, so I don’t have that much to tell about that time in her life. I became close to her post-Ranch in 1986/87 when we lived together in a shared house in Santa Cruz, CA. I’ll always remember and be grateful to her for proactively helping my partner Tara/Arpano (and probably saving her life) by bringing her to the hospital when she suddenly suffered from a dangerous bladder infection and I was away working.

Tara and I moved to Japan, and Amitabha moved to Hawaii where she got involved with the Santo Daime, an ayahuasca group with which we also became involved. That remained a connection between us later on, after Tara had passed and Amitabha returned to Oregon. I always hoped we’d be able to do a “work” together (that’s what Daime ceremonies are called), and while it almost happened about seven years ago (after her cancer had already been established), it never did.

Amitabha was a dancer and musician. She learned to play guitar so she could lead singing in Daime work, which is a major component of that type of ceremony. She brought her artistic talents to the role, and I understand from people who joined her works that she was steeped in the quality of firmeza or firmness, which is the discipline to maintain your balance in the emotional and spiritual chaos wrought by imbibing the jungle medicine.

We stayed in touch, mostly through Facebook. Despite having pretty intense disagreements over vaccinations, chemtrails and other such issues, we were sympathetic to each other and usually read, “liked” and commented on each other’s posts. I always considered her a kindred spirit and felt a deep connection, and judging from the outpouring of messages that have accompanied her passing, so did the many friends in Oregon, Hawaii and around the world whose lives she touched.

Amirabha 2022

I felt moved to post the following on her Facebook page:

Marie Bouman, fellow lover of Osho (who gave her the beautiful name Amitabha, which means immeasurable light and refers to the goddess of compassion) and of Mestre Irineu and the path of Santo Daime…

You finally made it over the mountain, and I met you there today. At the edge of the world, where all dissolves into the ocean of bliss. I didn’t say goodbye, but simply, “I see you, friend. Thank you.”

You are a great lover of Facebook, so perhaps you’ll see this post. No need to reply.

Marie Lynne Bouman
Ma Prem Amitabha

June 21, 1961, Salem, Oregon – March 21, 2024, Phoenix, Oregon

Marie & Noelle
Marie & Noelle

Tribute by Sonny Bouman, Swami Anand Sampurna

Our guru Bhagwan (later, Osho) was born December 11, 1931. He got enlightened March 21, 1953, within a few days of my conception, I suppose; and, I was born December 11, 1953 on his 22nd birthday. I took sannyas with Bhagwan in Poona on March 12, 1980. Within a few years, both Marie and Johanna did so separately as well, something precious we share.

My first Daime Work was on March 21, 1997, one week after Marie and Silas attended their first and it was their second; and, three days before a lunar eclipse. I stayed with the Daime for 11 years and over 300 Works. Marie was a daimista ’til the end. Another precious thing I share with both my sisters.

Pretty close to precisely 22 years after I took sannyas, on March 21, 2002, Marie and I arrived in Nieuw Beijerland, Holland at the home our Dad was born and grew up in, me for the first and only time. Immediately upon entering the old style house, we were led to the back, which was enclosed for animals, to find Dad’s youngest brother Jan delivering the first of two lambs being born. We stayed for two or three days, a break midst a two week international Daime festival in Amsterdam.

22 years to the day after that auspicious, sunny, first day of Spring, Marie died on March 21, 2024, three days before a lunar eclipse.

Marie was a force of nature and very, very well respected and loved.

Devoted to awakening

by Darren Eagle Heart (Sw. Prem Karunesh)

Although I did not know or connect with Amitabha during the years of the commune, another “form” of a commune through the Doctrine of The Santo Daime helped so many sannyasins after Osho left his body on January 19, 1990. Auspiciously, Padrinho Sebastiao who was a founder of the Santo Daime also died that very same day in Rio, Brasil. It was shortly after that, that those ways of the Santo Daime spread very fast throughout the world, through the “boat” that Osho left behind (the commune).

I knew Amitabha as Marie, and she was an incredible force of nature and power, and was given a role as leader within the Santo Daime, of which she led that current here on Maui for many years, and of which I was also in service through my gifts of music, although I was not in the doctrine. I knew the songs and these ways from my other teacher Carioca. She was the only person whom I have ever truly trusted in the Santo Daime, as her leadership in the role of meditation, music, and incredible perfection of the Maracca, and her voice, Wooow was all impeccably beautiful.

Her healing capacity in Cranio Sacral was of the finest I have every experienced. I think on the word FIRMEZA when I remember Marie, (Amitabha) which roughly translates as FIRMNESS, or, as Carioca taught me, Ethic, what “ethic” do I live by.

Marie lived by truth, harmony, forgiveness, and justice to all beings. She was a whistleblower, a truth-teller, and never bought the lies being put upon “suiciety” (as Osho so said), especially in the last years of this “plandemic.” Her loyalty as a friend was as deep as I have ever experienced.

She loved life, nature, and animals, and was very devoted to awakening through any way possible, as what Osho taught her was that TRUTH is “whatever works.” And she worked very very much in her lifetime for truth and awakening. Not only just for herself, but in her service to others through her gifts, and her leadership in the Santo Daime.

I am very grateful to have had this deep friendship and time with Marie (Amitabha) in this lifetime.

Mahalo Marie, Aloha,

Darren Eagle Heart (Sw. Prem Karunesh)

with Amitabha/Marie

Tribal Member Marie Bouman Walks On

by Sonny Bouman

Marie Lynne Bouman surrendered her soul to God at her home in Phoenix, Oregon on March 21, 2024. She was 62. She had been journeying with what was diagnosed initially as cervical cancer for the last six years. Especially in these years she dove deep into the culture and history of our tribe.

She is survived by her two older brothers, Sonny Bouman and Steve Bouman, and her younger sister Johanna Bouman, of the Miluk Coos tribe:

Her mother was Abbie Bouman.
Her grandfather was Roy Brainard.
Her greatgrandmother was Abigale Elliott (Grandma Abbie).
Her greatgreatgrandmother was Francis Talbot (Grandma Mom).
Her greatgreatgreatgrandmother was Cha-Vesta, sister of Tarheel who lived most of their childhood before the white man came.

Marie is also survived by Aunt Flossie (Florence Garcia), Uncle Tom (Warren Thomas Brainard), Aunt Mick (Madeline Knowlton) and Uncle David (Chief David Brainard).

Marie was a gymnast, a sensitive Cancer, a sister, a sannyasin, a radiant sunflower, a gardener, a dancer, a dance teacher, a daimista, a vedic astrologer, a mentor, a Madrinha, a craniosacral therapist, a force to be reckoned with, a truth seeker and truth teller and talk walker. She had the firmeza de um touro. She swam further out into the ocean than almost anyone would ever dare, alone, all the time.

Never to be treated lightly, she deeply touched the lives of hundreds of people all around the planet. Marie was very, very well respected and loved.

Her mind was acute and more than intact to the end. She handled all of her affairs and tied them all up in a bow shortly before she took her last breath. She was complete and she left us whole.

Sonny Bouman

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