(18 December 1947 – 5 January 1993)
To the unknown sannyasins who left the body in aloneness, without a celebration
by Santosh ex Shunyam
This is a tribute to all the sannyasins who haven’t had the opportunity to receive a death celebration or a written obituary, and specifically to Anand Niranjan (born 18 December 1947), a Swedish sannyasin who came to Poona in spring 1981 and lived a few months in the ‘Swedish House’.
In January 1982 she completed at Geetam the first part of the Rebalancing Training. And after selling her flat, she gave the proceeds as a donation to the New Commune. In spring 1982 she joined the Ranch where, until June, she worked as a Summer Worker in Meera, the vegetable garden.
While in San Francisco to extend her visa, she decided not to go back. She however returned to the Ranch for the Second Festival, in July 1983, and then again in January 1984 to complete the Rebalancing Training.
In 1987 she had planned to go back to Poona. When she made the requested HIV test she discovered that she was positive. She asked for help at the Center in Stockholm, but the doors were closed to her. She received refuge and support only at the local Hari Krishna Center.
Niranjan died on 5 January 1993 at the anthroposophic clinic Vidar, near Stockholm, Sweden.
She was my first real sannyas girlfriend. I learned a lot from her, about natural food, enjoying nature, leading meditations and supporting people to go deep inside.
Love to Niranjan and to all the unknown sannyasins who had to struggle and were less fortunate than others in meeting the Master.
Love and respect,
Santosh ex Shunyam
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I met Niranjan a few times at the Stockholm center around 1983. She being 7 years older, we weren’t very close but I saw her as a joyful and free spirit. In 1987 when she got HIV I didn’t live in Stockholm – but heard about it after returning 1989.
In those days our Stockholm Center was very loyal to whatever came from Osho and the regulations to not let HIV positive people in. I remember being frustrated over that there was no meditative HIV healthcare but I was not mature enough to call Niranjan.
I’m really sorry for that.
Had it been today, I believe I would reach out and ask if I could support her in any way.
Anutosh Malin
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