From Vol 2: Sudhananda’s ‘Rising in Love’


From the second album, One Sky, One Love, of Gopal’s collection Songs of Gratefulness

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Sudhananda ( ): music, lyrics, guitar and vocals
Maniko ( and Lucia Lilikoi ( backing vocals
Nandin ( flute
Bhakta ( / sound engineering and mastering
Chords and sheet music:


Now, this moment goes on
This moment goes on
This moment goes on forever

Rising in love
Higher and higher

Rising in Love

notes by Gopal about the first track

I loved this song from the moment I first heard it! I was always looking for songs that could possibly be added to the song project I was coordinating.

For me the melody and the lyrics are so beautiful. When I heard the words, “Now, this moment goes on forever” I felt touched; the lyrics for me had a special quality, a depth. The song was expressing something of love and being in the timeless present moment.

I remember Osho talking about a vertical dimension of time where time disappears, just being here-now. The next moment can come out of that one, with the potential for these present moments to go on forever… Wow, yes, learning to live moment to moment. It is a vision from Osho that helps me to this day – to come back to the small present moments whenever possible. That is such a different pathway from what we all know as the horizontal sense of time, with past and future, and how busy the mind can be, getting involved with that dimension.

“Rising in Love” are also words I remember from Osho’s talks – encouraging us to rise in awareness toward a more conscious love. So this song has good reminders for me about conscious love and living moment to moment.

Then I found out Sudhananda was the songwriter… I was just going to send him a message to ask for permission to include in the project a new recording of the song, when I was surprised to receive a message from him. A friend had told him I was wanting to contact him, so he already knew something about it. He was very enthusiastic about helping with the project in general. And not only that, he offered to record the song himself in his own studio. Sudhanada is also a very skilled guitarist!

Note: I discovered we had two songs in the project with the same title. Neither songwriter knew about the other’s song! The other song is by Subhan, and he was happy to add two more words to his title to avoid confusion, calling it Rising in Love with You. It will be included in volume 3.

One Sky, One Love

notes by Gopal about the album

This album includes songs from seven different songwriters (see my website). Some of the songs many will remember because we used to sing them in music group more than forty years ago! All live recordings have been remastered and brought to their best thanks to Bhakta’s sound engineering and mastering skills. Some of the live recordings come from meditation events featuring musicians from the Cologne Uta Band.

The musicians playing and singing come from all over the world. This diversity of songwriters and musicians gives the album variety and richness. Together, the songs express a timeless quality about meditation, love and celebration. For me, the album also has a theme of oneness, the sky representing a universal connection between us all and a heartfelt love that is beyond time and space.

I came up with the title One Sky, One Love for album 2 for a few reasons: “And there’s only one sky” go the lyrics in Anubhava’s song, and in With a Fire in Our Hearts by Milarepa, the lyrics include “We are one love.” So, it was easy enough to come to One Sky, One Love. These words also remind me of a letter my mother wrote to me from Canada, when I was away for years at a time in India. In a little story she sent me she used the metaphor of the sky and wrote: “It is your sky and mine.” I still feel the connection with her now as I share this, so timeless – even though she left the body so many years ago.

Related article
  • Volume 1 of Songs of Gratefulness – inspired by Osho: Thank You for Everything (with video of Pratibha’s song Nothing is Said)

Gopal is a musician and the driving force behind this project.

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