Art Exhibition: Playground


Avinasho opens her very first art exhibition, running from 2 to 30 May 2024, at the Freie Galerie Munich, Germany

Avinasho artSpielwiese Susanne Elten

Freie Galerie München im Forum Schwanthalerhöhe, ground floor, Theresienhöhe 5, 80339 München (U5 Schwanthalerhöhe / S-Bahn Hackerbrücke)

Opening times: Thursdays and Fridays: 3-7pm (15:00-19:00 h); Saturdays: 12noon-4pm (12:00-16:00 h).

The artist will be present on Saturday, 4 May, between 1 and 3pm (13:00-15:00 h). You are invited to come for a chat!

The pandemic – and Shivananda’s input earlier – gave me the push and the time to expand my creative tools. I started to use acrylics and inks and venture into larger formats. And in terms of content? This is what I wrote as an introductory text for the exhibition:

“Is art only art if it takes into account the state of the world, the objective catastrophe, the zeitgeist or the real, existing vehemence of daily-new doomsday scenarios? Can art indulge in lightness despite everything? Or does it even have to? In my artwork, I am trying to find a balance between depicting the daily atrocities and the resources we have. In an age of overflowing negative information, art can be a guide to find the light at the end of the tunnel, and help us not to sink into despair and depression. At best, it reminds us that there is always nature, beauty and interpersonal friendships. It can help us endure the daily impositions and to focus more often on the beautiful, the true and the good. So that we don’t drown in the never-ending flood of cruel facts, but keep our mental balance and not lose sight of the good and the helpful.”

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Avinasho (Susanne Elten) is a retired graphic designer, a writer and painter, based in Munich.

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