Human Design: May 2024 
Monthly Trends


This month’s planet transits discussed by Marga


Go higher and higher and higher. There is no limit to it, so never be satisfied. Whatsoever you have, always be happy with it, but always remember that more is possible. That is the point where being and becoming meet. And growth needs both the wings of being and becoming.

There are people who become too satisfied with their being. They lose growth. They become complacent… they lose tone. They simply become placid… no movement, no dynamism. They don’t know what ‘divine discontent’ is.

Osho, Be Realistic: Plan for a Miracle, Ch 18

On the 3rd of May, Pluto resumes its retrograde motion and will slowly return towards Gate 60, Limitation, reaching it on the 24th. After a long back-and-forth, it will leave Gate 60 for good (at least for a few hundred years) in December next year. For a short while we have felt that the field was widening, but now we have to retrace our steps, perhaps even a bit crestfallen… But we will certainly have the opportunity to learn up close the difference between transgression and transcendence, at least with respect to boundaries that concern us closely.

Also on the 3rd, Jupiter enters Gate 8, Contribution, and ‘intercepts’ Earth in Gate 1, Creativity, forming together the Channel 1-8, Inspiration. This Channel generates an energy field where not only creativity is possible, but where it can also be recognised and shared!

On the 9th of May, Earth and Sun move to form, till 14th May, the Channel of Structuring; the work can thus continue if the seeds have been sown well.

On the 5th of May, Saturn leaves Gate 63, Doubts, where it has been sitting since March, and will tickle our Solar Plexus, specifically Gate 22, Grace, where it will remain until almost the end of August. For those who have Gate 12 defined in their natal chart, this will mean a long period of “manifesting” energy will be awaiting… Beware of keeping your emotional clarity in order to avoid manifesting anything unwanted… Creative expression can be accompanied by occasional melancholy.

On the 11th, the Moon Nodes will change position and move to the 21N-48S axis, bringing to the forefront the duality between controlling resources and using wisdom to make our way through life. As always, the most effective choices will be in the middle. We will have until July to practise that…

As an inspiration for this month I have chosen a song by Pino Daniele, Maggio se ne va (May is going away). It somewhat recalls the richness of this month where we get pulled between different trends, possibly even generating that divine discontent, as quoted by Osho. Here my translation of the song from Neapolitan dialect:

Looking for god
We are always naked
Looking for the good
We are never sure
Nothing is ever enough
We must always know more
We are never satisfied
While May is going away
It’s still cold but something is cheerful…

Watch on YouTube

The original text of this post can be found on the website of the Italian Osho Times:

Featured image credit to Arvee Marie on Unsplash


Marga is a writer, translator, editor, astrologer, Gene Keys Guide and Human Design consultant.

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