Im Wald meiner Mutter (In My Mother’s Forest)

Exhibitions / Theatre

An invitation by Marie Jamil to visit her exhibition in Kassel, Germany, 7-8 September 2024

In My Mother's Forest
In My Mother's Forest
In My Mother's Forest
In My Mother's Forest
In My Mother's Forest
In My Mother's Forest
In My Mother's Forest

Marie Jamil Schwab’s exhibition is part of the traditional Kasseler Museumsnacht 2024 ( The ‘museum night’ is considered a highlight in the cultural calendar of many from Kassel and region. This year, around 50 museums, galleries and cultural institutions will open their doors on Saturday, 7 September, from 5 pm to 1 am. The programme includes exhibitions, performances, hands-on activities, children’s activities, guided tours, lightshows, live music and a wide range of culinary delights.

I am excited that, for the first time, I can exhibit during the Kassel Museum Night. My artwork was created between 2021 and 2024 in my Mother’s forest. My Mother, Vasanti (aka Moira Scholz), who is a landscape architect, bought herself two years ago a 1-hectare piece of forest near Würzburg. In collaboration with a landscape conservation association, she is returning her forest back to its natural state with all its biodiversity. She also gives me the space to try my hand at art under the treetops and use the forest as my ‘open-air studio’.

My mother shares her enthusiasm for this piece of earth with me and also her knowledge of its flora and fauna. That’s an incredible inspiration for me. My artistic work in the forest is hence about my relationship with my mother and, by extension, my relationship with Mother Nature.

Marie Jamil Schwab completed her diploma in Fine Arts at the Bauhaus University Weimar in summer 2023. After several stays abroad and artist residencies, among others in Japan, Finland and Spain, she moved to Kassel this year.

Kasseler MuseumsnachtSüdgalerien e. V.
Frankfurter Str. 72
34121 Kassel

Opening hours:
Saturday, 7 September 2024, from 5 p.m.
Sunday, 8 September 2024, 12 – 6 p.m.

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