Osho speaks on ‘Death – Love – Meditation’: “All that you can do is either you can go into it dancing or you can go into it reluctant, clinging to life. If you are reluctant you will miss the experience of death. If you go joyously you will have the experience of death.”
Osho talks in discourse to his disciples about a friend who is dying, Vipassana, and how to welcome death.
“In your meditative consciousness, death disappears just as darkness disappears when there is light brought in,” states Osho.
Osho states that “… it is certain that I have been poisoned by Ronald Reagan’s American government.” He describes in detail his experiences after his arrest in Charlotte and his accumulating health issues since.
From a discourse by Osho on Sufism: “If you have known love you have known death, if you have known meditation you have known death.”
Osho speaks about the process of a conscious death and nature’s indication to become aware that death is approaching.
A question to Osho by his lawyer, late Ram Jethmalani: Beloved Master, When I am dead, am I really dead? I want to be really convinced that death is eternal sleep.
Vipassana’s body died this afternoon. Most of this chapter contains a description of the death and sannyasins’ reactions to it. Then follows a description of the celebration and Osho’s discourse about her death.
Osho, I am afraid of death, yet at the same time it has an incredible attraction for me. What does it mean?