In the last part of this discourse, Osho continues to answer the question from part nine: “The inquiry of a man of the fourth plane changes dimensions…”
In the ninth part of a series of 10, Osho answers a question with regard to “the fundamental difference between the language of expression of the man of the fourth plane and the scientist.”
In the eighth part of a series of 10, Osho continues to answer a question from part 7 on ‘shaktipat’ and grace: “…the final happening of grace will take place when there is no one in between.”
In the seventh part of a series of 10, Osho answers three questions and speaks on ‘shaktipat’ and his preference for direct grace.
In the sixth part of a series of 10, Osho concludes his explanation of the seven bodies and the seven chakras. “The ultimate is the void – nothingness.”
In the fifth part of a series of 10, Osho speaks on the sixth and seventh bodies, after which comes “… the journey to non-being, non-existence.”
In the fourth part of a series of 10, Osho continues to speak on the fifth body: “Even though the ego is intrinsically dead on the fifth plane, I-am-ness still persists.”
In the third part of a series of 10, Osho speaks on the significance of the fifth chakra and the fifth body.