Osho speaks on the sutra, ‘Intone a sound, as Aum, slowly. As sound enters soundfulness, so do you…’ from the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra
Follow Nandin’s voice accompanied by her background music (and beautiful graphics) for 10 minutes of relaxation
Osho speaks to a sannyasin in darshan, “One should always cultivate something that is purely for delight.”
“Next time somebody insults you, give it five minutes, sit silently for five minutes, and then you can become angry.”
Subhan suggests that the next time we need to take a decision we try to listen to the body’s message
What to do when emotions are too strong? And how can we be present to everything that happens and enjoy it without being overwhelmed? Radha speaks on this topic in a short video.
Osho speaks to a sannyasin leaving for the West and gives her an evening meditation to do while away.
Osho gives a meditation to a new sannyasin he names Anand (bliss) Gulab (rose) – ‘a blissful rose flower’.
Bodhicitta made available two short videos with “the essence of what I have learned in my 85 years on this planet this time. Please see if it is of some use to you!”
Osho speaks on the second of three Tantra techniques using imagination; “If you can train your imagination, you can do wonders through it.”
Sarita presents a meditation she often did after a break-up, “Enjoy being with nature in the same way you would enjoy being with a lover,” as Osho says.
While Tao spoke on Swaram’s Love Osho podcast recently, she shared a meditation that sounds very intriguing, in particular as it addresses pain. We asked her to elaborate.
A contemplation by Veetman (text and video); “Nothing lasts. Everything is fleeting. This too will pass.”
Krishna Prem explains a quick meditation and recounts an anecdote (from his book ‘Gee You Are You’).