

Little blog pieces from friends.

Subhan writes, “Years ago, I heard someone say that the universe is one, and that we are all interconnected with everyone and everything around us. But that was NOT my experience.”

From Subhan’s desk; “We can say that something has ended, but it’s helpful to remember that this exists ONLY in the mind.”

…is when the mind cannot articulate what it sees, when it is unable to make it linear, logical, writes Subhan

Subhan writes, “I’ve since discovered that there is nothing like equal,” and “…the notion of ‘I’ starts to slip away.”

“We will also need a new societal structure that is more in alignment with our awakening consciousness,” states Mayuri in her essay about the implications of Covid-19.

Marc writes about Namaste being the best choice to greet each other – in particular also during times when viruses and bacteria are rampant.

From Suha’s series ‘Beware: Slippery…. Sacred Ground’: “I understand the thrill I experience when I get off the plane, that feeling of mystery that surrounds the visitor and sets her heart pounding, as when coming near a sacred space.”

From Suha’s series ‘Beware: Slippery…. Sacred Ground – Small flashes of real life’: “Which is the note, the frequency that makes the strings of my soul vibrate, that makes me feel in harmony with the great symphony of the universe?”