A painted sculpture by Sandhano
Exhibition of Veeno’s mandalas in the Swiss mountains (15 November 2024 – 25 June 2025), special preview for our readers
Vibusha shows her recent watercolours in a group exhibition in Conches near Geneva, Switzerland, 2-17 November 2024 (with a preview for Osho News readers)
In this video, Rashid answers a set of questions about his art and in particular his paintings which were recently exhibited in a London gallery
As part of the 50th Anniversary of Artspan’s citywide open studios, Premdharma will open his to the public on October 5-6, 2024, showing some new abstract collages and drawings
Rashid shows a selection of paintings which will be exhibited at the Gallery Different in London (Drawn In, 2-5 October 2024). Foreword to the catalogue by Paula Marvelly
14 Variations by Siddho Varza on a Theme by Paul Cézanne, with an essay titled, Painting and Happiness
Kul Bhushan traces the journey of his niece, Ruby Bajaj, and her daughter, Deeksha, both exhibiting at the India Art Festival at the Constitution Club in New Delhi.
A calming mix of art and music for meditation, relaxation, and contemplation – Deva Padma and Deuter.
Rajendra talks to Punya about his mobile sculptures that were shown in Corfu Buddha Hall a short while ago.
New artwork by Siddhena and a piece of writing on creativity, on the intuitive back-and-forth flow between action and response.
Padma’s long-anticipated collection of Buddha images shown in a video, to the alluring music of Chaitanya Deuter.
Anand Kul Bhushan selected several paintings from Pratiksha Apurv’s recently published coffee table book, ‘The Mystic and her Colours’ – and commented on them.
In these slide shows, Anando Arnold shows his most recent, very large, artwork together with his smaller work called Redux.