“The trouble is not personal; it is in the very nature of things.”
Osho speaks on the topic of ‘Relating’; “Two lovers support something invisible and something immensely valuable: some poetry of being, some music heard in the deepest recesses of their existence.”
English translation of a letter by Osho to Mr Ashvani Kumar Saini, then a student at the Engineering College, Jabalpur
“Alexander the Great, or others of his category – are perhaps searching for something else, and are not aware of it. They are searching for greatness – but greatness does not come from acquiring an empire. Greatness comes from becoming your real self, bringing your potentiality to actualization.”
“…of dropping the mind, of moving from the bridge, moving into the unknown, taking a jump into the mysterious.” (with audio)
“The moment a synchronicity happens… between the heart of the man of the vertical and the heart of the man who is not yet vertical… you also start moving vertically.”
“You should be faithful only to love, not to the lover. Both should be faithful to love, as long as it lasts. If it lasts your whole life, good. If it does not last your whole life that is even better!”
“Not only Buddha, nobody has come down from the seventh heaven, ever. But a few people get obsessed, identified with their reflections.”
Osho speaks on ‘Decision’ in a darshan; “Whenever it is a question of choosing between the old and the new, always choose the new.”
“Trusting me you will be able to trust yourself, because trusting me, for the first time you will start tasting what trust is.”
“This is a man who lives in the here and now: This cake is delicious. Even death is irrelevant. The next moment is meaningless. This moment this cake is delicious.”
“Whenever you want to try to understand me, don’t bring in what I have said in the past; that is not going to help. The latest has to be taken into account.”
“It is an appeal to the individual soul: You take responsibility in your own hands. Don’t be contented, because there is so much more potential in you.”
Osho speaks on the topic of ‘Belief’; “There is turmoil within every believer and he is afraid, really afraid to come across something which may disturb his belief.”
“When your senses are unable to see… even then you are a witness. And to perceive the inner witness the senses are not needed.”
“Whatsoever appears in the mind, just watch it. Watch it appearing, watch it being there, watch it disappearing.”
Osho, I find myself mostly attracted to women and very rarely deeply to a man. I am a little bothered about it. Could you please say something about it?
A handwritten note from Osho where he replies to the question, “What is meditation, and what is the method to do it?”
“Tantra says that the first thing is to be available to joy,” states Osho commenting on a sutra by Saraha
‘Freedom from’ is political… ‘Freedom for’ is artistic, creative, scientific. And ‘just freedom’ is religious.
Osho speaks on ‘Synchronicity’; “The whole scientific world is based on the causal relationship. Synchronicity has no place in it. But in human life everybody who is a little alert may have found it.”
A handwritten dedication by Osho to Jayshree Gokhani from Dwarka, Gujarat, on the opening page of his book Satya Ka Sagar, Shunya Ki Naav (सत्य का सागर, शून्य की नाव)
Tagore’s insight “that the moon is the moon whether you have a very beautiful mirror or a very ordinary mirror.”
Osho replies in writing to the question: ‘Can one meditate on a formless entity? And if so, will the formless remain formless?’
“Pravira means one who is very courageous. And the greatest courage in life is to live totally, in spite of all the priests and all the people who want you not to be joyous, not to be living totally.”
Osho speaks on the topic of ‘Friendship’ by commenting on Pythagoras’ sutra: “Choose for thy friend, the friend of virtue; yield to his gentle counsels, profit by his life; and for a trifling grievance never leave him.”
A handwritten note (𝟷𝟿𝟼𝟼-𝟼𝟽) by Osho, published in Naye Sanket, and translated in Wings of Love & Random Thoughts
“Whatsoever you believe becomes effective,” says Osho. “You see only that which you are looking for.”
“When the disciple touches the feet of the master, it is not only what you see, something else is happening.”
“The deepest core of being is non-being. The foundation of isness is nothingness. And when I say nothingness I don’t mean nothingness – I only mean no-thingness.”
“Wherever you go, you go with the idea of profit, achievement, success, attainment. If somebody has come here with this idea he should leave as soon as possible, run as fast as possible from me, because I cannot help you to become somebody.”
“Sex is only the alphabet of love, bricks out of which you can make a Taj Mahal. But Taj Mahal is not just bricks,” states Osho
“If you love a man, meditation will be the best present that you can give to him. If you love a woman, then the Kohinoor is nothing; meditation will be a far more precious gift – and it will make your life sheer joy.”
“First you have to become a receiver, first you have to attain to silence, then communion is possible, not before it.”
“When I am talking about one way, I am that way. Don’t cling to my words, listen to the wordless message. And if it hits your heart, if it sings in your heart, then you have found your way.”
“The original mind is egoless. It does not know the ‘I’, because ‘I’ is a shrinking. The original mind is infinite, like the sky.”
“For a real lover of challenges, success and failure mean nothing,” says Osho to a sannyasin in darshan
Osho speaks on ‘Bliss’; “You cannot achieve it directly. You have to grow rose bushes; when the roses arrive there will be fragrance automatically. Bliss is a fragrance of meditation.”