“The trouble is not personal; it is in the very nature of things.”
“…of dropping the mind, of moving from the bridge, moving into the unknown, taking a jump into the mysterious.” (with audio)
“Trusting me you will be able to trust yourself, because trusting me, for the first time you will start tasting what trust is.”
“It is an appeal to the individual soul: You take responsibility in your own hands. Don’t be contented, because there is so much more potential in you.”
“Whatsoever appears in the mind, just watch it. Watch it appearing, watch it being there, watch it disappearing.”
Osho, I find myself mostly attracted to women and very rarely deeply to a man. I am a little bothered about it. Could you please say something about it?
“Pravira means one who is very courageous. And the greatest courage in life is to live totally, in spite of all the priests and all the people who want you not to be joyous, not to be living totally.”
“When the disciple touches the feet of the master, it is not only what you see, something else is happening.”
“The deepest core of being is non-being. The foundation of isness is nothingness. And when I say nothingness I don’t mean nothingness – I only mean no-thingness.”
“Wherever you go, you go with the idea of profit, achievement, success, attainment. If somebody has come here with this idea he should leave as soon as possible, run as fast as possible from me, because I cannot help you to become somebody.”
“If you love a man, meditation will be the best present that you can give to him. If you love a woman, then the Kohinoor is nothing; meditation will be a far more precious gift – and it will make your life sheer joy.”
“When I am talking about one way, I am that way. Don’t cling to my words, listen to the wordless message. And if it hits your heart, if it sings in your heart, then you have found your way.”
Osho states, “A destination is a very clear-cut thing; direction is very intuitive. A destination is something outside you, more like a thing. A direction is an inner feeling; not an object, but your very subjectivity…” (with audio)
“Enlightenment certainly has no grades, but as time passes it deepens, sharpens, matures, becomes more and more rich.”
“Share whatever you have gained… Your meditation is a preparation for a higher life, for a deeper life, for a more divine life. But you will have to be more loving and more compassionate…”
“The twentieth century has brought mankind to such a peak, and his consciousness is now ready to evolve, to turn in a totally new direction,” states Osho
“At the moment of sandhya kal you are nearest to God; therefore the Hindus have made use of this time for prayer.”
“You will think, ‘What has it to do with spirituality?’ It has much to do with spirituality. You have to create a peaceful surrounding – only then can you fall into meditation. You have to create an atmosphere, an energy field – only then can you go inwards.”
“Pythagoras’ sutras are divided into three parts; they are known as the three famous P’s of Pythagoras.”
“I feel a very deep spiritual affinity with Pythagoras. I am also bringing you a synthesis of East and West, of science and religion, of intellect and intuition, of the male mind and the female mind, of the head and the heart, of the right and the left.”
“It is the process of reabsorbing back to the cause, bringing effect back to the cause; the process of involution.”
Osho speaks on Dogen. This is the sutra that troubled him to the very core of his being: ‘All human beings are endowed with the buddha-nature’.
Osho speaks on Prince Charles; “The new man will find his living god in the trees, in the birds, in the rivers, in the ocean, in the mountains, in the stars. He will transform the whole universe into his temple.”
Beloved Osho, It seems that masters have always been betrayed by their chief disciple. The same has happened to you, with those to whom you have given so much love and attention, and on whom you have worked so hard.
“The moment you don’t know, intimacy arises between you and reality, a great friendship arises. It becomes a love affair.” (Ah This! Ch 1, part 4)
“Whenever knowledge is not needed, put it aside and drown yourself into a state of not knowing – which is also a state of knowing, real knowing.” (Ah This! Ch 1, part 3)
“By clinging to the fingers you will not see the moon, remember. There are even greater fools who start biting the fingers… Forget the finger and look at where it is pointing.” (Ah This! Ch 1, part 2)
“The future of humanity will go closer and closer to the approach of Zen, because the meeting of the East and West is possible only through something like Zen, which is earthly and yet unearthly.” (Ah This! Ch 1, part 1)
Beloved Osho, I don’t really have a question to ask you — everything is very good. Only one thing is confusing me a little. You have often spoken about the “chosen few.” Please, who is doing the choosing?
“Do something that comes out of you – not to assert, but to express! Sing your song, dance your dance, rejoice in being whatever nature has chosen you to be,” says Osho.
Osho talks in discourse to his disciples about a friend who is dying, Vipassana, and how to welcome death.
The Ten Grounds of the Way: Accepting the call of the beyond, centering, sagely intelligence. (part 4)
The Ten Grounds of the Way: “How do you measure the length of a man’s life?” The monk answered: “By the breath.” (part 2)
“Now years of listening to me, understanding me, you are in a position to be freed from all outer bondage.”
Osho announces a new meditative therapy, the Mystic Rose; “You cannot conceive how much transformation can come to your being.”
Osho answers a question by Madhura and says, “Dance your aloneness, sing your aloneness, live your aloneness!”
Q: Why do I allow women to hold power over me, to accept or reject me? This old rut makes nonsense at heart. I want to get out.