“Life can be loved; but there is no question and there is no answer.”
“Alexander the Great, or others of his category – are perhaps searching for something else, and are not aware of it. They are searching for greatness – but greatness does not come from acquiring an empire. Greatness comes from becoming your real self, bringing your potentiality to actualization.”
“You should be faithful only to love, not to the lover. Both should be faithful to love, as long as it lasts. If it lasts your whole life, good. If it does not last your whole life that is even better!”
“Not only Buddha, nobody has come down from the seventh heaven, ever. But a few people get obsessed, identified with their reflections.”
“This is a man who lives in the here and now: This cake is delicious. Even death is irrelevant. The next moment is meaningless. This moment this cake is delicious.”
“When your senses are unable to see… even then you are a witness. And to perceive the inner witness the senses are not needed.”
Tagore’s insight “that the moon is the moon whether you have a very beautiful mirror or a very ordinary mirror.”
“Whatsoever you believe becomes effective,” says Osho. “You see only that which you are looking for.”
“Sex is only the alphabet of love, bricks out of which you can make a Taj Mahal. But Taj Mahal is not just bricks,” states Osho
“First you have to become a receiver, first you have to attain to silence, then communion is possible, not before it.”
“The original mind is egoless. It does not know the ‘I’, because ‘I’ is a shrinking. The original mind is infinite, like the sky.”
“All paths can lead to it because in a way it is already achieved. It is within you. You are not seeking something new. You are seeking something which you have forgotten.”
“Life itself is enough unto itself. And if you are trying to fulfill some goal, you will miss life.”
“Don’t start seeking, just start looking at what is the case. Looking into the reality as it is, is enough.”
“The seeker is the sought. Just a few unnecessary things are crowding you. The search is negative – drop them and you discover yourself in all your glory.”
“The mind is very impotent in a way. It cannot give you any existential juice, any existential experience, and that is the only thing that matters,” comments Osho on this anecdote
“Somewhere a deep balance is needed. Just between the two, exactly between the two, is transcendence. “
“From the very beginning, everyone is a Buddha… This is the basic message of Zen – and the greatest message that has ever been delivered to man.”
“Don’t try to change the circumstances of your life, try to change the psychology. Try to change your attitudes towards life, don’t try to change the outer situation. Use the outer situation and change the inner state.”
“The moment you have accepted the night totally – and there is no seeking and hankering for the morning – the morning has come.”
“Rare is the possibility of someone’s listening, and rarest is the possibility of someone understanding.”
“Just say something and it happens. You just say to the mind, ‘Enough – now you be the servant, because you are the servant.’ And, I say, it is just that simple.”
“Whatsoever it is, just be herenow – and a tremendous revelation is waiting for you. The revelation is that nobody can be unhappy in the herenow.”
‘If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him immediately!’ – What about you? How do I both love you and kill you?’
“When you come closer to yourself you come closer to me because in the innermost being the centre is one.”
“If you ask all the great minds they will say that whatsoever they have attained has come from beyond the mind, not from the mind.”
“Reaction is out of the past. If you react, out of old habits, out of mind, then you are not responding. To be responsive is to be totally alive in this moment, here-now.”
“One day or other you will come to the wide river where… all is taken… and you are left totally alone, with no possessions.”
“Everything has been perfect without you. When you will not be here everything will be as perfect as ever.”
Osho comments on a Zen story: “This is the way of Zen. It is the most unique phenomenon in the whole world of religions.”
“My definition of ‘being holy’ is nothing but to be whole – capacity to come into the world and yet remain above it, beyond it; capacity to use the mind but yet remain centered in your being.”
“A real painting is not just the sum total of the colors, it is more – and that “more” is the meaning,” says Osho.
“Hearing Zen, reading Zen is not going to give you Zen. Zen is a quality that you have to attain to.”
“In the search for the first principle silence is the door – the only door,” comments Osho on this sutra.