Osho speaks on the topic of ‘Belief’; “There is turmoil within every believer and he is afraid, really afraid to come across something which may disturb his belief.”
Osho speaks on ‘Synchronicity’; “The whole scientific world is based on the causal relationship. Synchronicity has no place in it. But in human life everybody who is a little alert may have found it.”
Osho speaks on the topic of ‘Friendship’ by commenting on Pythagoras’ sutra: “Choose for thy friend, the friend of virtue; yield to his gentle counsels, profit by his life; and for a trifling grievance never leave him.”
Osho speaks on ‘Bliss’; “You cannot achieve it directly. You have to grow rose bushes; when the roses arrive there will be fragrance automatically. Bliss is a fragrance of meditation.”
Osho speaks on ‘Leela’: “Life is a leela, it is a play, and the moment you are ready to play, you are enlightened… You are already that which you are trying to be.”
Osho speaks on ‘Death – Love – Meditation’: “All that you can do is either you can go into it dancing or you can go into it reluctant, clinging to life. If you are reluctant you will miss the experience of death. If you go joyously you will have the experience of death.”
Two quotes by Osho on ‘Masks’; “When you come to a Master his work is to pull the mask away, to loosen the hold of the mask on you.”
Osho speaks on ‘Balancing’: “Live life in all possible ways; don’t choose one thing against the other, and don’t try to be in the middle.”
Osho speaks on the subject of ‘Sannyasin’: “My sannyas is an opening, a journey, a dance, a love affair with the unknown, a romance with existence itself, in search of an orgasmic relationship with the whole.”
Osho speaks on ‘ Awareness’. “Try to make this such a permanent state of awareness in you that whenever you start finding something wrong with the other, remember it.”
Osho speaks on ‘War’; “Unless we transform the very script of man, unless we give him a totally new program of living and being, we can go on talking about peace but we will go on preparing for war.”
Osho on ‘ Availability’; “You will be far more complete if Jesus, Krishna, Mohammed, Moses, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, Ko Hsuan, Kabir, Bahauddin, all become part of your inner being.”
Osho speaks on ‘Children’; “Once a child comes to know that his parents are untrue, his whole trust is lost.”
Osho speaks on ‘Midwife’; “I can help, I can protect, I can guide, that’s all. The actual phenomenon, the transformation, is going to happen to you.”
Osho speaks on ‘Religion’; ” All religious people are explorers, all religious people are adventurers.”
Osho speaks on ‘being aggressive’; “Our only responsibility is that while we are here we live a life of joy, love, blissfulness.”
Osho speaks on ‘Celebration’: “It does not divide. It unites, it brings things together; it creates a togetherness in the world.”
Osho speaks on ‘Burning’: “…unless you are ready to burn your false self, there is not going to be any real revolution in the world.”
“Once you can become a witness in the sex act you will transcend sex, because in witnessing you become free.”
Osho speaks on ‘Agony and Ecstasy’: “Agony means: I don’t know who I am…. Ecstasy is the flower of agony.”
Osho speaks on ‘Tears’: “The heart has only one way to express itself, and that way is the way of tears.”
Osho speaks on ‘Dancing’; “The dancer remains one with the dance. Even when he starts dancing, the unity is not broken, there is no duality. Utter oneness.”
“As you listen to music, listen to me that way. Don’t listen to me as you listen to a philosopher; listen to me as you listen to the birds,” says Osho.
Osho talks on ‘Breath’; “In Tantra, love-making is allowed only when you have learnt how to make love and yet keep your breath cool, rhythmic.”
Osho speaks on ‘Aloneness’; “Aloneness and silence are two aspects of one experience… If one wants to experience silence one has to go into one’s total aloneness.”
Osho speaks on the topic of ‘Nature’: “This planet has to be loved, this planet has to be rejoiced in. It is a gift.”
Osho talks on ‘Depression’: “Whenever you are depressed, wait for the moment that the depression goes.”
Osho on Hypocrisy: “Once you recognize that you are wearing a mask, the mask has already started slipping…”
Osho speaks on ‘Listening’; “My success is to give you a real taste so that you can become confident that meditation is not a fiction.”
:…life itself is rooted in freedom. We are not machines, we are not pre-programmed, we are utter freedoms.” Osho is quoted on the subject of ‘Freedom’.
Osho on ‘ Hypnosis’: “If you become aware, you can use it; not to hypnotize others, but to de-hypnotize yourself. And if you can become completely de-hypnotized, you are free, you are liberated.”
One of the excerpts from the 3-volume compilation, The Book: An Introduction to the Teachings of Bhagawan Shree Rajneesh, A-Z.
…shout, cry, jump, talk, babble, do whatever you please. Close the doors and observe your own madness in its entirety…” suggests Osho on ‘Anger’.
Osho talks on the subject of ‘Sannyas’: It “helps you to get rid of the non-essential … and meditation helps you to find the essential.”
Osho talks on ‘Trust’: “It is the highest form of love, it is the essential core of love. Love itself is a mystery and indefinable, but love is like a circumference and trust is its very center, its soul.”
Osho on the subject of ‘Food’: “…there is a deep association between food and love; in fact food comes first and then love follows.”
Osho speaks on the topic of ‘Authentic Art’: “True art means: if it helps you to become silent, still, joyous; if it gives you a celebration; if it makes you dance … if it becomes a bridge between you and God — that is true art.”
Osho speaks on the topic ‘Responsibility’: “To be conscious means to take the whole responsibility on your own shoulders. To be responsible is the beginning of buddhahood.”
Osho talks on the topic of ‘Zen Masters’: “Only in the absence of all activity, when you are relaxed to your very being, the door opens to all the mysteries of the world, all the miracles of existence.”