Osho explains the pure power of non-discipline.
“Democracy basically means government by the people… but the people are retarded. So let us say: government by the retarded, for the retarded, of the retarded,” states Osho.
“Mind is just a procession of thoughts passing in front of you on the screen of the brain,” states Osho.
Osho states, “There is no need of nations, there is no need of religions, there is no need of races.”
“…your soul is intrinsically free. You don’t have to ask for it, and you don’t have to struggle for it. It is already there, this very moment,” says Osho.
“Be proud that you are still natural. Be proud that you can express the inexpressible through your tears,” says Osho.
The clock represents the mind – and not just literally, not just as a metaphor; mind is time, states Osho.
Osho states for the record that after a hundred years the prohibition of drugs in his commune will be thought anti-revolutionary.
Osho states, “Love is enough unto itself – it needs no salesmanship. It doesn’t need anybody to persuade, to convince; it is enough, it is a fire.”
Beloved Master,
A few people are feeling not to wear their malas or red clothes, but they consider themselves Rajneeshees and want to live here. How does this fit your vision?
Osho states, “… if there is even a little bit of intelligence in America then it is time to stop now; otherwise, the country is going to have the same fate as that of Rome and Roman civilization.
Osho speaks on a very meaningful parable by Chuang Tzu, and in particular about the phrase ‘the phoenix that never grows old’.
In meditation the mind unclutters, experiences are digested, and the overload disappears, leaving the mind fresh and young and clear and clean, states Osho.
Osho states, “…thought waves are also physical. What we know as the mind is a very subtle form of physical energy. “
Declare your freedom individually. And that’s my movement. You are here, not as a society, not as a community, you are here as an individual, states Osho
Whether you are afraid or not, everybody is missing the train. It is good that you are afraid, because that may help you to understand why you are missing, says Osho.
“Everything is joined to the cosmos,” states Osho on the subject of sun spots and related wars, disturbances, and diseases on our planet.
“Always remember, the universe is unknowable, absolutely, because it is alive. Analysis kills,” states Osho.
Osho says that the statement in the American Constitution that the pursuit of happiness is man’s birthright is stupid.
Osho states, “… zero is the root of all mathematics and of all science; you cannot conceive of an Einstein without the concept of a zero.”