Article by S D Anugyan
A review by Bhagawati of S D Anugyan’s latest book; “I urge you to leap and join this incredible adventure!”
An essay by S D Anugyan. “With astrology I have moved through near-wholesale acceptance at the beginning… to a letting go of it in favour of the accepted science of astronomy; and finally to an interesting hybrid of the two, where I practise a certain detachment in favour of observation.”
A review by S D Anugyan of Madhuri’s most recent book of poems and paintings in celebration of cats.
Anugyan ventures deeply into J B Priestley’s work on ‘time’ and ‘dreams’ and finds Osho’s comments on the subject.
Anugyan speaks of the creation of his first Novella in a series of seven, just recently published in the UK.
“The perfect expression of art may be in worlds beyond, but it is gratifying one may not need to go so far to seek it,” expounds Anugyan in this essay.
Every time I heard Osho talk on the subject of dreams he seemed dismissive of them on all levels – perhaps it was because of that reason, I only dreamt of him twice to my knowledge, writes Anugyan.
Bhagawati reviewed S D Anugyan’s recently published book which she read in one go as she was unable to put it down.
Anugyan speaks of the creation of his latest book, which has just recently been published in the UK.