
Gautama the Buddha

In Part 1 of 3, Veena embarks on a journey to the ancient city of Dunhuang to find the origin of Osho’s often-used phrase: the ten thousand buddhas. These stories will be part of her next book, ‘Farewell to Song Mountain’ which she is currently writing.

Osho states, “Ego is a false notion of something which is not there at all. ‘Self’ means a center which can promise. This center is created by being continuously aware, constantly aware.”

Videha’s review of Osho’s discourse series on one of the most famous and profound sutras of Buddha, the Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra, The Perfection of Wisdom That Cuts Like a Thunderbolt.

“Everybody is born in the same way. It is not only that you don’t have a father, you don’t have a mother either. The day you discover your original being you will know that you pass through the mother and the father, you come through them, but you are not created by them,” says Osho.

“I believe that man is both together, spiritual and material … In fact man is psychosomatic, not material and spiritual, because that ‘and’ creates duality … Man is materialspiritual,” says Osho.