“First you have to become a receiver, first you have to attain to silence, then communion is possible, not before it.”
In part 13, Shanti lets the mystics speak: Gautama Buddha, Dōgen Zenji, Hakuin Ekaku, Kabir and Ramakrishna
“Rare is the possibility of someone’s listening, and rarest is the possibility of someone understanding.”
‘If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him immediately!’ – What about you? How do I both love you and kill you?’
“When you come closer to yourself you come closer to me because in the innermost being the centre is one.”
“Reaction is out of the past. If you react, out of old habits, out of mind, then you are not responding. To be responsive is to be totally alive in this moment, here-now.”
The Ten Grounds of the Way: Accepting the call of the beyond, centering, sagely intelligence. (part 4)
The Ten Grounds of the Way: “How do you measure the length of a man’s life?” The monk answered: “By the breath.” (part 2)
Angulimala “had taken a vow that he would kill one thousand people, not less than that, because the society had not treated him well.”
“Consciousness is nothing but an absence of unconsciousness,” writes Pratiksha Apurv. Published in The Times of India and Speaking Tree, November 9, 2021.
Before I leave the world I have to complete what I have started. I cannot leave my garden unfinished,” states Osho.
Osho: “That’s what I have been doing my whole life, telling people, ‘Just a little more. Soon you will be reaching.'”
Osho states, “And without being awakened you miss life, its meaning, and you will miss your death and its meaning.”
“You are living surrounded by death, and if this can be remembered, this can become the greatest stimulation for meditation, for awareness,” says Osho.
“First I want you to be established as a buddha. Then the second step is very easy: any day I can tell you to jump into the cosmos,” says Osho.
“To be sane in this insane society is really a great work of understanding, courage, rebellion,” states Osho.
Osho says, “The ego thinks it can do everything. It lives with this fallacy. The part lives with the fallacy that it is the whole.”
Osho speaks about the process of a conscious death and nature’s indication to become aware that death is approaching.
In Part 2 of 3, Veena describes the magnificent visit to the Mogao Caves that left both her and Michael in overwhelming awe, and made her ponder Osho’s insistent use of the phrase ‘the ten thousand buddhas’.
“Now, before we enter into our daily meditation… just to drop all burdens, all the worries of the world, and have a few good laughs,” says Osho.
In Part 1 of 3, Veena embarks on a journey to the ancient city of Dunhuang to find the origin of Osho’s often-used phrase: the ten thousand buddhas. These stories will be part of her next book, ‘Farewell to Song Mountain’ which she is currently writing.
Osho states, “Ego is a false notion of something which is not there at all. ‘Self’ means a center which can promise. This center is created by being continuously aware, constantly aware.”
Deva Dosa sent us an update about the activities at Osho Jetban and their Buddha Purnima celebration this year.
Buddha Purnima is the day of death and resurrection with a message that all of us are buddhas, writes Pratiksha Apurv. Published in The Times of India and Speaking Tree.
“You are a totally new manifestation of God. It has never been before so there has never been a person exactly like you,” states Osho.
Osho says, “You can never be somebody else. Remember it as one of the most fundamental laws. Aes dhammo sanantano…” – illustrated by two stories.
“All your seriousness is about sandcastles. And you yourself will leave them one day, trampling them down, and you will not look back,” adds Osho to the anecdote.
Visiting Osho Jetban in Lumbini, Mahika Mahiya learns the difference between the tourist-trap ‘Disney Buddha’ temple and the real Maya Devi Temple. (Part 2)
Mahika Mahiya celebrates a sacred past life memory that for her, could have happened only at Osho Jetban International Commune in Lumbinī, Buddha’s birthplace, in south-central Nepal. (Part 1)
Videha’s review of Osho’s discourse series on one of the most famous and profound sutras of Buddha, the Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra, The Perfection of Wisdom That Cuts Like a Thunderbolt.
The Buddha did not use the old Sanskrit language – he used the Pali language which everybody could understand in those days, writes Keerti. Published in The Asian Age on May 13, 2019.
Osho explains with a parable that only with an innocent mind the contact is immediate, from being to being, from heart to heart.
In his column Abracadabra, K. B. Ganapathy explores the ‘Esoteric Group’ of nine persons known as ‘Navaratanas’ and some of Osho’s statements about the group. Published in the Star of Mysore on April 20, 2019.
Osho states, “In deep compassion you will be able to help many more people – because, in fact, compassion is the only thing that helps.”
Osho explains that the psychology of the buddhas does not work with the mind, its uniqueness is meditation, watchfulness, witnessing, leading to transcendence.
Maneesha has asked:
Our beloved Master,
Those diamond thunderbolts you hurtle around you when you dance with us each evening – at the rate we’re going, someone could be knocked conscious!
But please, don’t stop!
Osho says, “When you surrender, the door opens. So don’t bother much where to surrender, simply think about more and more surrendering.”
Let life lead us towards our inner spiritual experience, suggests Pratiksha Apurv. Published in Speaking Tree, February 17, 2019.
Breaking news today that Facebook and related apps had been suffering severe outages. 2.3 billion monthly users are affected.
Along the lines of ‘you ain’t seen nothin’ yet’, the Android Kannon Mindar was observed preaching to monks of the Kodaiji Temple in Kyoto on February 23, 2019.
Keerti says that for those who have known themselves all facts such as date of birth and events dissolve, they cease to have meaning. Published in The Economic Times on February 20, 2019.
The Dalai Lama talks to a group of seekers led by Deepak Chopra at his residence in Dharamsala/McLeodGanj, HP, India on February 11, 2019.
Beloved Osho,
By using modern technology, I feel we are hurting this vibrating, juicy earth with the dead garbage of plastic, radioactivity, bad air and so on.
Please would you comment.
“Everybody is born in the same way. It is not only that you don’t have a father, you don’t have a mother either. The day you discover your original being you will know that you pass through the mother and the father, you come through them, but you are not created by them,” says Osho.
“I believe that man is both together, spiritual and material … In fact man is psychosomatic, not material and spiritual, because that ‘and’ creates duality … Man is materialspiritual,” says Osho.
“For your foolishness, I cannot punish myself… It is for you to decide to insult or not, but it is my freedom to take it or not,” said Buddha – as told by Osho.