Random thoughts by Punya
Times of India article from July 17, 2024, based on a talk with Ma Prem Devyani, Meditation Facilitator at Osho Dham
Two meditation camps for children, at Osho Dhyan Upvan in Hisar and the Osho Ashram in Sonipat respectively
Osho speaks on ‘Children’; “Once a child comes to know that his parents are untrue, his whole trust is lost.”
Osho speaks on ‘Religion’; ” All religious people are explorers, all religious people are adventurers.”
“Love and respect can sweetly help them to be more understanding about the world, can help them to be more alert, aware, careful,” says Osho.
Osho speaks on the significance of a teddy bear for a child and also refers to the work of Donald Winnicott (7 April 1896 – 25 January 1971).
Osho’s answer to: “Would it not make matters much simpler to somehow impress upon our young ones to begin with God?”
Svagito reports on a painting course for children and parents, inspired by Meera, that took place in Tuscany at the end of August.
An excerpt from a mother’s letter to her two young daughters. Published in The Australian Women’s Weekly, April 2019 issue.
“Out of the mind and you are out of politics; otherwise, whatsoever you do is politics,” states Osho.
Osho says people don’t see that they are poisoning the joy of the children and states that a human kind of education must be found in the world.
Drag artist and theatre maker The Nightbus connecting kids with LGBTQ+ role models of colour. Published on BBC on March 28, 2019.
Osho speaks on Chuang Tzu’s parable of ‘The Empty Boat’ and makes a reference about his vision of teaching particularly children.
The third question:
Dear Osho, I love you. In a Sannyas Magazine you said that you are not a person. Then what are you?
Parents who maintain their socially-given identity cannot be the true guardians of the child, asserts Harry Krueger. Published in Wake-up World on June 7, 2016.
Over a million children in 1,000+ government schools in New Delhi are learning about ‘Happiness’, reports Kul Bhushan.
Osho is asked, “Surely meditation is for mystics. Why do you propose it for ordinary people and their children?”
“If you cannot follow your own advice, what right have you got to give it to somebody else?” states Osho.
Dickon Kent, son of Veetasmi (aka Persephone) comments to questions asked of him about living as a teenager in Rajneeshpuram. Published in Medium on April 17, 2018
Pratiksha Apurv writes on the dangers of instilling ambition into children. Published in The Times of India, March 16, 2018.
Osho talks on the subject of ‘Children’: “…you have to learn from them because they are far more closer to God than you are.”
“If you are humble, the whole existence becomes a teacher to you,” says Osho commenting on a Sufi story. From our series 1001 Tales, compiled by Shanti.
A look at the current education system in India but similarities can be found world-wide. An inspiring and challenging video that calls upon all those concerned to bring out the human potential in every child.
Osho reminds us to acknowledge that each child is different, writes Keerti in the Asian Age on November 15, 2017.
Osho concludes: Meditation changes your life pattern completely, writes Keerti in the Deccan Chronicle on October 17, 2017.
“Osho points out that the educator, from kindergarten to university, is in the service of the vested interests, is in the service of the establishment,” writes Keerti in the Asian Age on October 11, 2017.
“Conflict you have always been in. Now try accord. And suddenly you will see – the whole meaning changes. Then you are no more in antagonism with nature,” says Osho. From our series 1001 Tales, compiled by Shanti.
Osho, Why is hugging such an incredibly effective therapeutic tool? P.S. I used to think that clarity, wit and analysis was the way, but they are all garbage alongside hugging.
Tham Khai Meng urgently calls for children to be allowed creativity and the freedom to explore and experiment. Published in ‘The Guardian’ on May 18, 2016.
Religious belief appears to have negative influence on children’s altruism and judgments of others’ actions even as parents see them as ‘more empathetic’, writes Harriet Sherwood in The Guardian on November 6, 2015.
Saturday 24th October, from 6.30 to 11pm (GMT): free international streaming event as fundraiser for Ramana’s Garden Children’s Home.
It is the whole idea of private property that has created the father, that has created the family, that has created the ownership of the woman by the man.
Ten quotes from Sioux Indian Chief Standing Bear (c. 1839 – 1908) that will make you question everything about “modern” culture. Published by Higher Perspective