Chitbodhi remembers events during his days at Uni in Berlin – from his memoir, One Life
From Chitbodhi’s memoir, One Life. Co-protagonists are: “A teacher, Dr. L. and 26 incredible classmates!”
While Ailon introduces his School of Playfulness, he says that if he hadn’t had access to the psychic muscle of laughter, he wouldn’t have been able “to ride out the waves, nor come up with the creative ideas that have arisen.”
What if beings from another galaxy came to Earth, and inquired about the human body and its natural, healthy acts? asks Subhan
An excerpt from Prartho Sereno’s upcoming book, part memoir, part socio-educational treatise, part guidebook, Tending the Roots in a STEM-Crazed World.
Excerpt from the book, Sudhiyon ke Rajhans (King Swans Remembered), by the late renowned poet, Professor Jawaharlal ‘Tarun’ of Jabalpur.
OZYMA (no relation to OZY) is a new martial art based on the teachings of Osho, the late controversial Indian guru featured in the Netflix documentary Wild Wild Country, writes Devyani Nighoskar. Published in OZY on December 18, 2020.
Osho states, “In fact, a wise man is afire, alive, aflame. He would like rather to die than to be enslaved.”
Osho’s vision: “The new man is an absolute necessity… If we cannot produce a new human being, then humanity will disappear from the earth.”
An interview with Shailendra Saraswati on the art of education. Shown on Janata Television, Nepal in December 2019.
Osho’s answer to: “Would it not make matters much simpler to somehow impress upon our young ones to begin with God?”
“The widespread separation of humans from nature can be traced to a few key historical developments, starting with the rise of Judeo-Christian values 2000 years ago,” writes Heather Alberro in The Conversation, on 17 September 2019.
Ageh Bharti’s impressions gathered during his visit to the institute last year: “Swami Alok (K. K. Tyagi) has silently done such amazing work that it was a great joy for me to observe the many activities.”
“Out of the mind and you are out of politics; otherwise, whatsoever you do is politics,” states Osho.
Osho says people don’t see that they are poisoning the joy of the children and states that a human kind of education must be found in the world.
Entrepreneur Aditi Gupta created a comic book to help girls in India better understand their periods. Published on BBC on March 8, 2019.
Mindfulness at school: Thousands of pupils will be given meditation lessons to help them ‘cope with pressure’, writes Eleanor Harding. Published in Mail Online on February 3, 2019.
Parents who maintain their socially-given identity cannot be the true guardians of the child, asserts Harry Krueger. Published in Wake-up World on June 7, 2016.
Over a million children in 1,000+ government schools in New Delhi are learning about ‘Happiness’, reports Kul Bhushan.
Osho is asked, “Surely meditation is for mystics. Why do you propose it for ordinary people and their children?”
Pratiksha Apurv writes on the dangers of instilling ambition into children. Published in The Times of India, March 16, 2018.
A look at the current education system in India but similarities can be found world-wide. An inspiring and challenging video that calls upon all those concerned to bring out the human potential in every child.
Our beloved master,
I imagined that our tendency to put ourselves down was a product of our conditioning, and something peculiar to modern man. But even in Rinzai’s time it appears that was the chief obstacle to self-realization too.
Can a society of unenlightened people exist only if everybody is made to feel inadequate?
“Osho points out that the educator, from kindergarten to university, is in the service of the vested interests, is in the service of the establishment,” writes Keerti in the Asian Age on October 11, 2017.
Every afternoon, the grandmothers of Phangane village wrap pink saris around themselves and slip abacuses and chalkboard into their backpacks. They are going to school. Satyaki Ghosh documented their journey. Published by BBC on March 8, 2017
Tham Khai Meng urgently calls for children to be allowed creativity and the freedom to explore and experiment. Published in ‘The Guardian’ on May 18, 2016.
For one year now, a Baltimore school implemented a new and holistic approach to disciplining students, writes John Vibes at the ‘Free Thought Project’ and ‘SOTT’ on September 18, 2016.
In part 5 of 5 Surendra looks at the adults’ roles at Osho Ko Hsuan and the conflict if the school ought to remain an organisation under the name of Osho or, if adults didn’t want to meditate together, it should be merely called Ko Hsuan.
Osho talks on ‘Education’: “A real education will not teach you to compete; it will teach you to cooperate.”
In part 4 of 5, Surendra recollects the interaction between adults/teachers and kids and the importance of the kids’ individuation.
Part 2 of 5: Surendra writes about how the school was run, how children participated and the task to prepare the kids for life in the world.
Brazilian CEO Ricardo Semler shares his innovative and inspiring ideas at TEDGlobal in October 2014.
Animation from a talk by Sir Ken Robinson, renowned education and creativity expert, and Osho on education