“That’s why so many people used to go to the Himalayas: not for the mountains – for the altitude,” says Osho in darshan.
We need to experience the energy of existence by opening our inner doors and stepping out, writes Pratiksha Apurv. Published in Speaking Tree on October 8, 2018.
Osho introduces a small experiment: “You are looking at the mirror, your own face in the mirror, your own eyes in the mirror…”
Scientific argument for the mystical experience given in a riveting speech with core statements about oneness and energy by Jeff Lieberman at TEDxCambridge.
Jim Carrey is a well-known Canadian-American actor and quirky comedian. He also acted in several unusual outstanding movies which are early pointers to his present life and insights that he conveys in this video.
With the third eye you become capable of seeing things which are there, but which cannot be seen with ordinary eyes, says Osho.
During a high-altitude hike, Madhuri experiences a change of energy after being total in feeling “so whiny and sad and forlorn and exhausted and unashamed to gasp and groan and be miserable…”
Karunesh writes that the real meaning of darshan is the transmission of samadhi through the grace of a master.
“Ego always thinks of softness as weakness. That’s why women have been thought down the ages to be the weaker sex,” states Osho in a darshan.
New research findings were released in the online journal Nature Communications published by the renowned journal Nature. Published by pravda.tv on March 24, 2015.
Beloved Osho, I really felt affected when you talked about Rajen the other night, because I feel friendship for him, and I feel he loves you as he did before. I feel that in dropping the mala and the red clothes, he is simply trying to experience something new.
Waking Times published this article by Brandon West on July 17, 2014
Regina Meredith talks with Konstantin Korotkov, Professor of Physics at St. Petersburg State Technical University in Russia, about how we can see energy using scientific principles.
Russian scientist Konstantin Korotkov photographed a person at the moment of his death with a bioelectrographic camera.
Numen: the presiding divinity or spirit (of a place); the spirit believed by animists to inhabit natural objects.
Zen Gardner looks at the ongoing changes and shifts that are having an incredible impact on humanity, bringing about much needed change in consciousness.