“Enlightenment certainly has no grades, but as time passes it deepens, sharpens, matures, becomes more and more rich.”
Chapter 16 from Devageet’s book, Osho: The First Buddha in the Dental Chair, where he recalls Osho saying that our teeth contain memories back to the beginning of evolution.
“If it is the bus terminus, why should you worry? How can you miss it? There is no way of missing it!”
In 1982 while Osho was in public silence, he answered several questions put to him by Ed Bradley of the 60 Minutes team, one of them about enlightenment.
“First I want you to be established as a buddha. Then the second step is very easy: any day I can tell you to jump into the cosmos,” says Osho.
“As near as I can tell, the only door we have left open to ourselves as a species is a mass-scale awakening,” writes Caitlin Johnstone. Published in SOTT on October 26, 2020.
“Just as you enter beyond enlightenment into nothingness, there must be a possibility of coming out of nothingness back into form, back into existence – renewed, refreshed, luminous – on a totally different plane,” says Osho.
Osho speaks on two occasions during discourse about meeting with Bodhidharma in an incarnation about 1400 years ago.
Buddha Purnima is the day of death and resurrection with a message that all of us are buddhas, writes Pratiksha Apurv. Published in The Times of India and Speaking Tree.
An anecdote told by Osho where a monk became enlightened when he overheard a butcher say, ‘I never sell anything that is not the best.’
Keerti responds to a question about Osho having been shown holding a glass of champagne. Published in the Deccan Chronicle, January 20, 2020.
There have been enlightened mystics – self-realised souls – but they were not so educated to communicate effectively with modern scientific people, writes Keerti in The Asian Age. Published on November 11, 2019.
Godliness is within all of us, so also the potential to see it, but we simply are not aware of it, writes Pratiksha Apurv. Published in Speaking Tree on August 25, 2019.
Osho answers to the question if scientists are contributing to a science of enlightenment, and can one do so without being enlightened.
Ageh Bharti recalls an experience he told Osho about, to which Osho responded, “It is the highest stage of mind that has happened to you.”
On the morning of what he calls his “real final awakening,” Adyashanti wrote the following to one of his teachers, Zen master Jakusho Kwong Roshi:
The moment you are in the present, enlightenment is the by-product, writes Osho’s niece, Pratiksha Apurv. Published in Speaking Tree on December 10, 2017.
Osho has given over 200 discourses on Bhagwad Gita, and a large number of people have been reading and relishing them, writes Chaitanya Keerti in The Asian Age, on October 31, 2017.
Osho speaks on the complexity of the state of the mind and says it is almost like a bridge between the soul, the universal, and the body, the individual.
In Rajneeshpuram, Osho declared a few sannyasins enlightened. Here is a question of one of them. Osho comments on how they reacted differently mentioning, among others, Vinod Bharti and Maitreya.
Prem Geet reviews Osho Tapoban’s latest publication – and calls it a feast for the eyes and the soul.
An Enlightenment Day Celebration in Bhagwan’s silent presence held in Pune 1. The following are quotes on the occasion of the celebration – and a song.
Osho speaks on acceptance and the Buddhist nun Rengetsu in our series 1001 Tales, compiled by Shanti.
This question has been hovering in me for years. A few times you have talked around it, but this has mystified me more, so please enlighten.
Q: If the ego is unreal, then does it not mean that the unconscious mind, the accumulation of memories in the brain cells, and the process of transformation that is the subject matter of spirituality, is also unreal, a dream process?
“If being awakened has become your priority, and you are ready to sacrifice everything for it, then there is hope.”
The Ancients said:
“(Self-)cultivation takes an unimaginable time (while) enlightenment in an instant is attained.”
In the book ‘The Awakened One’, Satya Vedant (aka Vasant Joshi) narrates insightfully the circumstances around Osho’s going public with his enlightenment many years after the event happened.
Meher Baba (25 February 1894 – 31 January 1969), born Merwan Sheriar Irani in Pune, India, to Zoroastrian parents.
Osho speaks on a story by Hermann Hesse; “Millions of people are suffering: they want to be loved, but they don’t know how to love. And love cannot exist as a monologue; it is a dialogue…”
In the East much has been worked out, much has been done to understand the ego, much probing has been done.
It has to be understood very clearly that nobody has a duty to spread my vision, my message to the people. I hate the very word missionary. These are the ugliest creatures on the earth. I don’t want to create missionaries. You have to be utterly selfish, concentrated on only one aim: becoming enlightened. As
“Enlightenment is the open sky of insecurity. It is vastness, it is uncharted ocean. The journey is from one unknown to another unknown,” declares Osho.