
God / Godliness

“You are a man on the earth, a woman on the earth; enjoy this gift of God! In deep gratefulness, sing the song, dance the dance that is waiting deep inside your being to be expressed. Be creative. Flower,” comments Osho.

The mantra that Guru Nanak gave to the world explains to seekers that God is not separate from His creation. He is totally absorbed and immersed in the one He has created, writes Pratiksha Apurv. Published in Speaking Tree, India.

Jim Carrey is a well-known Canadian-American actor and quirky comedian. He also acted in several unusual outstanding movies which are early pointers to his present life and insights that he conveys in this video.

A noted speaker, Hans Wilhelm has been inspiring audiences around the world with his spiritual and life-affirming concepts that he shares in many of his more than 200 books that he wrote and illustrated. This is his latest video about the negative impact of organised religions on the individual.