

Q: Today at the lecture you extolled the virtues of Hasidism. But if they are so praiseworthy, so full of feeling of brotherhood, etc., why do they exclude women from their religious practices, and particularly their ecstatic religious dancing?

In answer to Canadian clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson’s new self-help book, ’12 Rules for Life’, in this satire Australian Kitty Flanagan counters with her own book, ‘488 Rules for Life’ on video. Published by ‘The Weekly’ on August 8, 2018.

Article 50 (last of the series): As far as we know, it is for the first time in the 13,8 billion years of the history of our universe, that through a Life’s form the Universe is becoming aware of itself and we are that Life’s form.

Q: I have a belief that in order to grow I have to take risks, and in order to take risks I have to make decisions. Then when I try to make decisions I am filled with anxiety that I will make a wrong choice, as if my life depended on it. What is this craziness?

In a recently published study, empirical evidence shows the likelihood of humans being the only intelligent life form in the history of the universe as ten-billion-trillion to one. Published in Russia Today on May 17, 2016