“Man is always pretending that which he is not; that’s a way of hiding oneself.”
“As you listen to music, listen to me that way. Don’t listen to me as you listen to a philosopher; listen to me as you listen to the birds,” says Osho.
“Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence,” and “As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons,” are the next lines of the Desiderata.
Osho speaks on these lines in the Desiderata: “Hear then the wisdom of the wise…” and “Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.”
Osho speaks on ‘Listening’; “My success is to give you a real taste so that you can become confident that meditation is not a fiction.”
Samir S. Patel follows Matt Mikkelsen through the Hoh Rain Forest in Washington to record the ‘uncontaminated’ natural sounds of the dawn chorus (audio sample). Published in NPR on August 10, 2018.
Osho talks on ‘Listening / Hearing’: “Listening is all that meditation is about – how to listen to that which is already there.”
Osho talks on ‘Listening’ at the 1968 Meditation Camp in Ajol, Gujarat: “Listen… and by and by, within you, a humming of silence will begin. The mind is becoming silent.”
A young clinical psychologist in London launched a bold experiment, setting up open-air cubicles in a park to help people solve problems with accidental strangers. Published on BBC on July 23, 2017.
Osho says in darshan, “Listen to people. You will learn much about them, about you. Listen to people and you will feel an opening.”
Osho talks on the three types of hearing. “Let it be known once and forever: I am not interested in the crowd, I am interested only in individuals. And you have to show your mettle.” From our series 1001 Tales, compiled by Shanti.
Osho, If I can truly experience the music of the flute player, can that be on the same level as the experience you wish to occur with you? I am thinking of the Sufis: I see, but I do not see. I am behind a glass wall.
How talking to your body helps you heal – explained by Therese Wade in thespiritscience.net on August 7, 2015
Richard, you say, “I have been very interested to listen to your lectures during the past few days. Far from being unintellectual, they could be described as an intellectual tour de force.”